Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Hospital admission and discharge

  Part 1

        Unit 3


Admission to the hospital

The entrance of the patient into the health care agency such as hospital eastern as admission.


It means allowing a client to stay in the hospital for observation investigation and treatment of disease he is suffering from.


A patient admitted to hospital with following reason such as diagnostic procedure , surgical  intervention ,condition requiring expert care,  therapeutic  aspect for treatment , etc.,

Types of admission_____

Emergency admission

Client are admitted in acute conditions requiring immediate care .
e.g Client with heart attack

Routine admission

Client admitted for investigation and plant treatment and surgeries.
e.g. Patient with hypertension or pregnant lady 

Purpose of admission

1. To provide immediate care safety and comfort.
 2. To observe and report sign and symptoms of disease condition.
3. To improve general condition of patient.
 4. To reduce fear and anxiety .

Unit and its preparation

It is a place where the patient is kept during hospital stay.

The admission department notify the unit prior to the patient arrival . So that room /bed can be prepared.


1. Prepare the treatment table
2. Ensure all the equipments are completed.
3. Check  ventilation properly.
4. Ensure patient airway.

Admitting the patient

The procedure for admitting a client to a health Care facility is very important.

Data required for admission of patient includes____

# Name of patients 
# Age 
# Gender / sex 
# Marital status
 # Occupation 
# Income
# Mobile number


Admission bed
 Weighing machine
 Kidney tray
 Documentation sheet
 Articles for physical examination
 BP apparatus

Admission Procedure

* Meet and receive the patient 

* Verify the patient data , by checking records sheet.
* Introduce personal 

* Assist to treatment care.
* Ask the patient to change clothes into hospital gown if necessary .

* Perform examination and evaluation procedure established baseline values like vital signs.

For Routine Admission

OPD ------ Doctor office ----- Admission office --- Ward

For Emergency Admission

In this patient is directly admitted emergency.
Bed and emergency equipment should be ready.

 When patient is out of danger , then he is shifted to other wards

Observation of Patient

Nurses should check all vital sign of the patient. 

Patients general facial expression will denote not only his emotions but also presence of pain.   
Any discolouration of skin like jaundice, cyanosis.

Special Consideration

1. Isolate the patient is suffering from communicable diseases.
2. Make proper observation of the patients condition record and report.
3. Orient the patient and his relatives to hospitals.
4. Be kind to patient and family members .

5. Collect information about patient from relatives.
6. Never leave the patient alone in  casualty.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

बैठ जाती हूं मिट्टी पर अक्सर

 बैठ  जाती हूं मिट्टी पर अक्सर

बैठ जाती हूं मिट्टी पर अक्सर.....
क्योंकि मुझे अपनी औकात अच्छी लगती है...
मैंने समंदर से सीखा है जीने का सलीका...
चुपचाप से बहना और अपनी मौज में रहना...
ऐसा नहीं है कि मुझमें कोई ऐब नहीं है पर सच कहती हूं
मूझमे  कोई फरेब नहीं है।
जल जाता हैं मेरे अंदाज से मेरे दुश्मन
क्योंकि एक जमाने से मैंने
न मोहब्बत बदली और ना ही दोस्त बदले।।
एक घड़ी खरीद कर हाथ में क्या बांध ली....
वक्त तो मेरे पीछे ही पड़ गया।।
सोचा था घर बना कर बैठूंगी सुकून से....
पर घर की जरूरतों ने मुसाफिर बना डाला...
सुकून की बात मत कर ऐ गालिब....
वह बचपन वाला इतवार अब नहीं आता..
शौक तो मां - बाप के पैसों से पुरी होती हैं
अपने पैसों से तो बस जरूरत ही पूरी हो पाती हैं....
एक सवेरा था जब हंस कर उठा करती थी, और
आज  कई बार
 बिना मुस्कुराए ही शाम हो जाती है।।
कितने दूर निकल गए हैं हम,
 रिश्तो को निभाते - निभाते...
खूद को खो दिया हैं हमने ,
अपनों को पाते-पाते...

लोग कहते हैं हम मुस्कुराते बहुत हैं ,
और मै थक गई हूं दर्द छुपाते - छुपाते ....
खुश हूं और सबको खुश रखती हूं,
 लापरवाह हूं फिर भी सबकी परवाह करती हूं....
मालूम है कोई मोल नहीं है मेरी,
 फिर भी कुछ अनमोल लोगों से रिश्ता रखती हूं....
यूं ही मैं दिल को साफ रखने की बात करती हूं ....
पिता नहीं था कीमत तो चेहरों की हुआ करती है
जिंदगी का इतना तजुर्बा तो नहीं ....पर सुना है 
सादगी में लोग जीने नहीं देते ।
कीसी की गलतियों का हिसाब ना कर
खुदा बैठा है तू तो हिसाब ना कर
 ईश्वर बैठा है तू हिसाब करना।।

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Documentation and reporting

 Part 3

              Methods of recording

Records and report must be accurate, factual complete , current and confidential . There are many method used for recording such as______

1. Narrative charting

This is traditional method of recording nursing care is a story format that describe that client status.

2. Problem oriented charting 

This is a method of the human documentation that places emphasis on clients problems.

3. Sources oriented charting 

This is a descriptive recording done by each member of healthcare team or separate records.

4. PIE charting

SOP format is developed on medical models PIE(problem , intervention , evolution) chatting has a nursing origin.

5. Focus charting 

Focus charting is a method of identifying and organising the narrator documentation of clients concerns.

6. Charting by exception (CBE)

Patient is charting method that requires nurse to record only deviations from pre - established norms.

Flow sheets

Highlight important findings and define assessment parameters and findings.

Reference documentation:- Is related to standard of nursing practice.

Bed side accessibility :-Is related to documentation forms.

Patient have four components of problem oriented charting


It contains information recording assessment. E.g. history , physical examination , nurses assessment , laboratory findings.

Problem list

Best of on the database list of problem planning (physiological , social , spiritual , cultural, environmental, etc)

Initial plan

Based upon the identified problems , care is developed with clients active participation is setting goals , outcomes and interventions.

Progress notes

Health team members will evaluate and record the progress of  client's problems information can be expressed in various formats such as SOAPIE or SOAP.

Computerized documentation

Nurse use computer to store the client database , add new data , created and revise care plans and documents client progress.


1. Legibility of information 

2. Increased time efficiency , consistency and accuracy in records keeping .

3. Provide database for research.

4. Patient link various sources.

5. Client information , request and result are sent and received quickly.

6. Standard terminology improve communication.


1. Clients may not have privacy is security measures are not used.

2. System failure can cause an availability of information.

3. System is expensive.

4. Extended training may be required whenever an updated system is installed.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Documentation and reporting

 Part 2

          Types of records___

1. Patient clinical records 

2. Medical /Nursing records

 3. Ward records

 4. Administrative records

Patient  clinical record

It is the knowledge of involved in the patients illness progress in his recovery and the type of care provided by the hospital personnel. All records basically contain the following information ______

1. Client's identification and demography data.

2. The present complaints 

3. Informed content for treatment and procedures 

4. Admission nursing history

 5. Family history

6. Physical examination findings

 7.Nursing diagnosis and problems

 8. Nursing care plan 

9. Medical history 

10. Tentative diagnosis 

11. Medical diagnosis

 12. Therapeutic orders

13. Treatment given

 14. Reports of diagnostic studies

 15. Final diagnosis

 16. Client education

 17. Summary of operative procedures

 18. Discharge plan and summary 

19. Any specific special instruction

Medical records

Medical record is a legal document providing information of a patient medical history and data by physician , nurse practitioner and other members of the health care.

 Some  information contained in the medical records____

Identification information of the patient .

Patient health is information on a patient tell the health care providers about their past and present health status.

Medical examination findings.

Nursing records

Progress notes :- it should be written at least once every 24 hours and for each of the following events.

a) Admission 

b) Transfer

c) Discharge

d) Treatment or procedure 

e) Charge in patients condition.

 f) Patient incident note.

 g) Patient or parent /caregiver education.

Worksheet and kardexes :- nurse use worksheet to organise the care they provide and to manage their time and multiply priorities. Kardexes are used to communicate current orders , upcoming test or surgery is special clients for the use of aids  for independent.

Flow sheets :-  A new flow sheet  is to be initiated for each 24 hours period , by signing and initiating the flow sheets  the RN indicate.

A safety check has been performed the presence of correct ID band 

The presence of an accurate allergy band.

The documentation of the monitor control number and assessment of appropriate alarm limits.

Intake/output section

Hourly IV site/ rate check.

Cumulative IV volume infused hourly. 

Complete description of all IV solutions.

 All medication given.

Vital signs section

Document vital signs in the space provided. Graph by the vital sign using the graph legend symbol and assessment legend.

Client care plan

Care plan outlines of the care for individual clients and make a part of the permanent health records.

Care plan written in ink ,  up-to-date and clearly identify the needs and wishes of the client

E - Health records

There is no doubt that the computerization of the health care records has  many benefits .  The same principle apply whether documentation is completed in the paper health care records or electronically.

Wards records

Ward records include ;-

Admission and discharge record

Line in record

Record of production or increasing beds.

Index books

Round book , attendance book and record book 

Treatment records

Administration records

It includes record of______



Equipment losses and replacement .

Personal performance

Organiszational records

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Some great people

                    SOME GREAT PEOPLE

1. Father of zoology   = Aristotle

2. Father of botany   = Theophrastus

3. Father of telephone. = Alexand (Graham Bell)

 4. Father of chemistry = Robert Boyle

 5. Father of medicine = Hippocrates

 6. Father of genetics = Gregor Mendel

7. Father of Immunology = Edward Mendel

8. Father of modern chemistry = Antoine Lavosier

 9. Father of psychology = Sigmund Freud

 10. Father of atom bomb = Robert Oppenheimen

 11. Father of geometry = Euclid

 12. Father of nuclear physics = Ernest Rutherford

13. Father of history  = Herodotus

14. Father of Homeopathy = S. Mahneman

15. Father of computer = Charles Babbage

16. Father of economics = Adam Smith

17. Father of Indian chemistry = P.C. Roy

18. Father of green revolution in India = M.S. Swaminathan

 19. Father of white revolution in India  = V. Kurien

20. Father of atom  = John Dalton

 21. Father of electron = J.J. Thomson

22. Father of proton = Rutherford

 23. Father of neutron = James Chadwick

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 6

                 Transfer of Learning


Transfer refers to the transfer of knowledge ; training and habits acquired in one situation to the other.

                Sorenson -1948

The carry over of the habits of thinking , feeling or working of knowledge or of Skills from one learning area to another is usually referred to as the transfer of training.

             Crow and Crow - 1973

Types of transfer

There are three types of transfer of learning

Positive transfer 

It is said to be positive when something previously learned benefits performance or learning in any situation.

Negative transfer

When something previously  learnt hinders performance or learning in a new situation , we call it negative transfer.

Zero transfer

In case , the previous learning makes no difference at all to the performance or learning in a normal situation , there is said to be zero transfer from the previous situation to the new one.

Essential implication of transfer of learning

The following suggestion can help the learner to achieve maximum previous transfer______

1. While engaging in learning the learner should try to integration of the theoretical studies with the practical experiences.

2. Learning should be properly correlated with the life experience , environmental surroundings and other area of study and knowledge.

3. Rote learning should be avoided.

4. Learning should never hesitate to utilise the learning of one field in the learning of the other fields.

5. Learning should try to learn the proper knowledge and insight in the making the difference between the positive and negative transfer of his learning.

6. Learners should have positive attitude during learning.

Study habits

A student must follow the point for her learning to be effective________

1. Being self prepared :- sound physical and mental health are needed for good study.

2. Planning and organization:- the student nurse should have what time table for whole day with a definite period for study.

3. Clarity of purpose:- the nurse should be clear about , what she is learning , how the piece of learning will help her in the carrier.

4. The student nurse should always look for the basic facts of the study and give the importance to those principles.

5. Notes taking :- while studying notes should be written . Notes should be brief and concentrated on the important ideas.

6. Review and over learn:- the rate of forgetting is far in excess of what is retained , therefore, constant review is required to retain the essential of any subject.

7. Paying more attention to the important words charts tables and formulas.

8. Proper physical surrounding for the study.

9. Interrelationship and correlation between the topics and subjects will help the study more effectively.

Theories of learning

There are five theories of learning____

1. Trial and error theory of learning

2.  Theory of classical conditioning

 3. Theory of operant conditioning

 4. Theory of insightful learning 

5. Observational learning.

To be continued in next part.......😊



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Monday, June 21, 2021

अंतराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस

                 अंतराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस

जैसे कि आप सभी जानते हैं कि 21 जून को पूरे विश्व में योग दिवस मनाया जाता है । वैसे तो हमारे देश में योग की शुरुआत कई हजार साल पहले ही हो चुका था । पहली बार योग को ऋग्वेद में दर्शाया गया था।

योग शब्द की उत्पत्ति संस्कृत के यूज (yuj) शब्द से हुआ जिसका अर्थ जुड़ना (to unite or to join or to yoke) होता है। योग करने से हमारा शरीर स्वस्थ और रोगों से मुक्त हो जाता है । योग से आत्मा का परमात्मा से मिलन होता है । योग  हमारे जीवन में सकारात्मक शक्ति का प्रवाह होता है।

नए पीढ़ी में योग दिवस का आरंभ_____

योग दिवस की पहल भारत के प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने की। 27 सितंबर 2014 को संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा में मोदी जी ने अपने भाषण में कहा था कि____

योग भारत का  प्राचीन परंपरा का अमूल्य उपहार है । यह दिमाग और शरीर के एकता का प्रतीक है।  यह मनुष्य जीवन में संयम , सामंजस्य  और विचार की पूर्ति करता हैं । तो  आइए हम सभी एक साथ मिलकर अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस की पहल करते हैं।

जिसके बाद 21 जून को अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस घोषित किया गया । 21 जून को साल का सबसे बड़ा दिन होता है और योग दीर्घ जीवन प्रदान करता है यही कारण है कि योग दिवस 21 जून को मनाया गया।

योग जो सभी को करना चाहिए______

लोम विलोम प्राणायाम

इस प्राणायाम में एक नाक से सास को लिया जाता है फिर दूसरे नाक से उसे छोड़ दिया जाता है। इसे कम से कम 5 मिनट तक करना चाहिए।

अनुलोम विलोम के लाभ

अनुलोम विलोम करने से शारीरिक और मस्तिष्क रोगों से निजात मिलता है।

यह तनाव , घबराहट को दूर करता है और एकाग्रता बनाए रखता है।

पूरे शरीर में शुद्ध ऑक्सीजन की आपूर्ति करता है।

दिमाग , फेफड़े और हृदय को शक्तिशाली बनाता है।


शुरुआत में ज्यादा  समय तक नहीं करना चाहिए। रात को ज्यादा वक्त तक नहीं रुके रहना चाहिए। धीरे-धीरे समय को बढ़ाना चाहिए।

शितकारी प्राणायाम

यह तन और मन को शीतल बनाता है।

शीतकारी प्राणायाम शरीर की मांसपेशियों को आराम पहुंचाता है।

 यह प्राणायाम मस्तिष्क के उन केंद्रों को प्रभावित करता है जो शारीरिक तापमान को केंद्रित करते हैं।


जिस क सर्दी खांसी अस्थमा हो वह इस प्राणायाम को करने से बचें।

सूर्य नमस्कार

सूर्य नमस्कार करने से हमारे शरीर में सकारात्मक शक्ति का प्रभाव होता है।

हमारे शरीर को शुद्ध और स्वस्थ बनाता है।

हमारे शरीर के सभी अंग स्वस्थ रहते हैं।

दिमाग को शांत और सक्रिय बनाता है।




#mrj #india


Sunday, June 20, 2021

Documentation and reporting

 Part 1

                                 Unit - 6


Documentation is any written electric electronically generated information about a client that describe the care or service provided to that clients .

It may be record in the form of paper documents or electronic medical records , faxes, emails, audio or video tapes and images.

By the process of documentation a nurse can communicate easily with other health team members and clients and understand their problems or need.

Nursing documentation clearly described

An assessment of the client health status nursing intervention carried out the impact of thus intervention on clients outcomes.

A care plan or health plan reflecting the needs and goals of the clients.

Information reported to a physician or other health team member.

Advocacy undertaken by the nurse on behalf of the client.


It is defined as a clinical , scientific, administrative and permanent legal documentation of information related to the clients healthcare.

Purpose of recording

Communication :- with the help of the record health team member can communicate easily regarding to the status of the  patients.

Quality of care:- record help to identify the health needs of the patient , various interventions carried out on patient and their outcomes.

Legal documentation:- legal documentation help in legal worked . It helps police and health care team during accident or any criminal work .

Planning patient care:- review of patient record is done to assess the health condition of the clients  and to plan further care.

Audit :- An audit is done to assess the standard and quality of care provided in institution by reviewing the patients records.

Research :- the information in a patient records can be used as a source for nursing and health research projects.

Importance of records

For family and individual

Record serve as a detailed description of client history .

 Assist in continuity of care.

 Evidence to support legal issues.

For Physician

Serve of guide for diagnosis and treatment.

 Self evolution of medical practice .

Teaching and research.

For Nurses

Document nursing service in hospital .

Guide for professional growth.

 Act as  communication tool.

For Authority

Record provide satisfied information .

 Provide future it reference. 

Evaluation of care in terms of quality and adequacy.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 5

                    LAW Of LEARNING

Law of learning are follows _____

1. law of readiness

Learning is takes place best, when a person is ready to learn. Some sort of preparatory attitude or a mindset is necessary.

 2. law of effect 

A successful reaction give satisfaction to the individual at the same time and an unsuccessful reaction gives annoyance.

3. Law of exercise/ use

Learning will become stronger by practice and use.

 4. law of frequency 

Law of frequency is correlated to law of use . The more frequently a subject is practiced ,the stronger understanding and memory happen.

5. Law of disuse

If any person learn something and not utilise it then it will be forgotten.

6. Law of recency

The law of recency is  correlated to law of disuse. The recent is exercise; the stronger is the connection between the learner and subjects.

7. Law of primary

The first experience and act are important and attractive more attention.

8. Law of purpose

Learning become easy  by making a definite purpose or goal , then student give importance to learning.

9. Law of association

It is on the basis of association of ideas that we can explain why one Idea gives a way to the other.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 4


Learning is the natural gift of human beings. It is very important characteristic of human beings. An individual starts learning after entry of this world or in the mother womb. Our personality attitude, skills, habits,knowledge Intreste and character is largely the result of learning . It play  an important process in human behaviour.


Learning is the acquisition of habits, knowledge and attitude . It involves new way of doing things and it of operate individuals attempts to overcome obstacles or to adjust to new situations. It represents progressive changes in behaviour.  It enables him to satisfy interest to attain a goal.

                     ( Crow and Crow - 1973 )

Nature of learning

* Learning involves those experience and trainings of an individual which helps him to produce change in his behaviour .

* It brings changes in behaviour but it is not necessarily mean these changes always bring improvement or development in the positive direction it may be negative also.  

* By learning something and individual can adopt in any situation.

* All learning is goal oriented and purposeful.

* Learning help in proper growth and development of individuals.

* Learning help in in growing personality.

* Learning is a continuous process till date it is not limited in any age, race, sex and culture.

* It is a very comprehensive process which covers nearly all cognitive , conative and affective of human behaviour .

Types of learning________

1. Stimulus response learning

In this type of learning connection of sensory and motor system may be able to occur.

 2. Perception learning

Sight, hearing ,test, smell and touch are considered as the five gateway of knowledge. All knowledge is based on the sense perception.

 3. Verbal learning 

All learning taking place in formal education is verbal learning . Signs, pictures ,symbols ,words, figures ,sound employed by the individual are the essential instrument in the process of verbal learning.

4. Motor learning 

When learning involves the muscles or bone movements like walking, swimming ,playing to sports and instruments are examples of motor learning.

5. Concept learning 

Learning we learn all things with regions and brief explanation. Once a concept is formed an individual manipulates it in language and thinking.

6. Problem solving learning

Problem solving learning is a critical type of learning . It required cognitive ability like thinking ,reasoning and imagination etc.

7.  Attitude learning 

Much of  learning is based on the attitudes because of the formation of attitude we show favorable or unfavorable response to various objects , person or situations.

8. Paired associated learning

 In this type of learning, tasks are presented in such a way that may be learned by reasons of their associations.

9. Other types of learning

It includes visible learning, auditory learning, Kinetic learning ,etc., are the examples of other types of learning.

Learner and learning

There are some basic quality of learner that can be considered as the learners equipments to observe their knowledge in learning.

# The basic quality of the learner is cognitive as well as a appetitive faculties.

# These faculties will help the nurse or guide the learner as they deal with the learning process.

# The cognitive faculties are five senses ,memory, imagination and intellect.

# All of these faculties  are related to the basic operation of the human brain and necessary learning process.

Factors influencing learning

Learners physical health

Physical health of the learner is an important factor for learning. Sensory organs defects, malnutrition, lack of sleep, fatigue are some of the physical condition to affect the learning.

Learners mental health

If the learners are not mentally fit then they cannot learn anything easily. Mental factor like fear, worries, persistent day dreams, feelings of loneliness and inferiority complex are affect learning.

Basic potential of learner

Learners innate ability and capacity for learning.

Learner's general intelligence , knowledge, understanding skills ,etc.

Age and sex

Age important factor for learning. The old people face many problems in learning new things. 

Although sex is not an important factor , certain differences in interest and aptitudes are found between the two to sexes.



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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 3


When our sense organ come in contact with the world and stimulated by external stimuli and receives sensation , it results in perception. Interpretation gives meaning to sensation and we became aware of objects.


The process by which the individual organize and interprets sensory information is called perception.

Principles of perception

Individuals tends to organize environmental stimuli into some meaningful patterns or whole according to certain principal some of the important principles are as follows:------------

1. Principle of figure ground relationship

According to figure ground relationship a a figure is perceived in a relation to it's background.

The perception of the any object or figure in terms of colour size shape and intensity. It depends upon the figure ground relationship

Principle of closure

In this type of principle while confronting an incomplete pattern one tends to  complete the pattern or sensory gaps and feet and perceive.  It as meaningful whole.

Principal of group

Principal of group have tendency to perceive system in organised and meaningful pattern it may be based on____

Similarity:-singular of grouped together ( group of dots)

Proximity:- the object of a closed or grouped together (8 lines).

Continuity:-the continuous object are grouped together.

 Principle of Simplicity

By by this principle we can separate object or things in simplest form.

Principle of contour

Principle of contour is based on the boundary between the figure and it's background. It is totally depends on the outline of the object or figure.

Principle of context

Perceptual organisation is also governed by the principle of context . 


An examiner may award higher marks to the same answer sheet in a pleasant context then in an unpleasant context.

Principle of contrast

A contrast things or object attracts our mind first, so that we give more attention towards that things. Therefore it carry different perceptual affects.

Principle of adaptability

Adaptability principle show that , stimuli is totally depends upon the adaptability of perceiver. If a man or individual adapt to run in bright light will perceive normal light as quite dim.

Factors affecting perception

Sense organ 

Perception depends upon the sense organs , on which the stimuli act and sensory neurons, which transmits the nerve impulse from the receptor to the sensory area of the brain.


Perception depends upon the functioning capacity of sensory area and association area of the brain.

 Memory image of the past experience

Memory image of the past experience help us in the understanding of the object or stimulus before us.

 Personal interest and mindset acquired interest

We perceive those things clearly and quickly which are concerned with our interest and mind set.

 Needs and desire

Our needs or desire also modify your perceptions, besides; our beliefs ,opinions and cultural values also modify our perception of things , situation and objects.

Errors in perception

 Errors in perception the perception enable to identify accurate and smooth functioning of stimuli, however some errors can occur in the process of perception___


When the interpretation of a particular stimulus goes around it gives a wrong perception or illusion.


When we look from afar in the desert, we see like like there is  water but in reality it is not water.


It is major errors of perception. In which we sees or hear something that is not seen or heard by anyone around us.


 Sometimes we thought that someone is calling us but in reality no-one is calling us.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 2


Span of attention

The maximum amount of material that can be attained in one period tension is equal to span of attention.

Duration of attention

Duration of attention refused to how long one can attend to an object without a break.

Sustained attention

To sustain attention , is to concentrate one's activity continuously upon some object or problem. The individuals attention always remains on track and activity proceed systematically without any serious distraction.

Shifting attention

In this type of attention  we give  attention to any body or any object  in  shift . It  means, it is not continuous attention . It  is not a longer duration of  attention.

Division of attention

In this in this type of attention we give attention to two or more task or work simultaneously in same time.

Alteration in attention (distraction)

It means any stimulus whose presence interferes with the process of attention or draws attention from the object which we wish to attend. 

 These type alternation in attention  reduce the efficiency of work.

Sources of destruction

There are mainly two sources of distraction_____

1. External factors or environmental factors

2. Internal factors

External factors

Noise , music , improper lightening unfavourable temperature, etc.,

Internal factors

Emotional disturbances, ill health, lack of motivation, fatigue,etc,.

Types of distraction_____

1. Continuous distraction

2. Discontinuous distraction

Continuous distractions

The distraction is continuous in nature; experiment have shown that adjustment to continuous distraction take place quickly.

Discontinuous distraction

It is a regular; it interferes with the work because of the impossibility of adjustment.



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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 1

                           Unit - 3


              COGNITIVE Processes


Attention the focus of conscious on a particular object or idea at a particular time, to the exclusion of other object or ideas.


It is defined as a process ,which compels the individual to select some  particular stimulus according to his  interest and attitude out of the multiplicity of stimulus present in the environment.

                       Sharma RN 9067

Attention is the concentration of consciousness upon one object rather upon another.

                     Dumville - 1938

Types of attention

Voluntary attention (volitional)

Involuntary attention (non - volitional)

Voluntary attention

It demands a conscious efforts  on our parts. For example solving an assignment problem in maths, answering a question in an examination needs  voluntary attention.

 It is further subdivided into two categories ______

implicit volitional attention 

explicit volitional attention

Implicit volitional attention 

A single act of will is responsible for arousing attention.

explicit volitional attention

It is obtained by repeated acts of will. One has to struggle hard for keeping oneself attentive; it requires a strong will power keen attention and strong motives for accomplishment of the task.

Involuntary attention

It aroused without the play of will or without making a conscious effort on our parts , for example , we give involuntary attention to loud sound,  bright light, strong odors.

Determinants of attention or method of arousing attention or factors and condition favourable for capturing attention

Certain factors for produce and control the condition of attention in a person. These factor are classified as external (objective)- those found in one's environment and internal (subjective )-those within the person himself . The method of securing attention are based upon the external and internal factors of attention.

External factors are conditions

Nature of the stimulus:- an attractive stimulus should always be chosen for capturing maximum attention.

Intensive the stimulus:- in comparison to a big stimulus and intensive stimulus attract more attention of an individual.

Size of the stimulus:- in comparison to small  object the bigger object attracts more attention.

Contrast change and novelty:- change and variety strike attension more easily than routine. Novelty means something new or different , it attracts individual very easily.

Location of the stimulus:- the location of the stimulus also affect attention for example visual stimuli.

Repetition of the stimulus:- a repeated stimulus attracts our attention. We may ignore a stimulus at first instance, but then it is repeated several times it captures our attention.

Movement of the stimulus:- a moving stimulus catches our attention more quickly than a stimulus that does not move.

Definite form of the object:-  a sharply defined object attracts our attention more than broad indefinite object.

Isolation of the stimulus:- isolation is an important external factor to attract the attention.

Internal factors or conditions

A person attention to a stimulus depends not only upon the characteristics of the stimulus or the environment condition but also upon his interest , motives ,basic needs and urges,etc.

Interest and attention:- We give attention to those object which we are interested then those in which we are not interested.

Motives:- the basic drives and urge of individual are very important in securing attention example like hunger, thirst ,fear,etc.

Mental setup:- a person always attends to those object towords which his mind has set. 

Past experience:- learning and previous experience facilitate attention.

Emotion:- the emotional state, in which a person determines attention.

Habit:- a man develop the habit of  attending to necessary and desirable things and on the other hands also develops the habit of not attending to unnecessary and undesirable things.

Aim:- according our aim human will attend the activities.

Meaning:- in comparison to the meaning of stimuli; meaningful stimulus attracts the attention.

Natural tendency and temperament:-both are important internal factors which attracts attention.

Besides the condition described above many other factors influence attention such as heredity ,education, family ,schools, society training,etc,. which have a wide role on attention.



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Monday, June 14, 2021

What is BSc nursing

 Hey everyone a warm welcome all of you on my blog today's topics wast very knowledgeable for 12th passing students .  

The topics____

What is BSc nursing??

Eligibility criteria ??

Age criteria????

Types of degree..

Admission process

Syllabus for entrance exam

Scope in nursing

What is BSc nursing???🤔🤔

BSc nursing is a four year undergraduate professional degree course it focusing to prepare for talented nursing and paramedical staff

If you want to make your career in nursing then it will be a best program for you

Now you're thinking about eligibility criteria for BSc nursing

So you have to passed on you 12 things done from any repeated words with minimum percentage 50%

This subject biology is necessary as a subject in 12th standard.

Age criteria 🤔🤔

The minimum age for this is 17 to 21 but it differ in different universities .

Types of degree

BSc nursing (basic ) - 4 year

BSc nursing (post basic)- 2 year

Admission process

Clear University admission test



Syllabus for preparing entrance exam

Syllabus will based on 11th or 12th standard syllabus.

Scope in nursing

Nurses can work in hospital

Nursing home

Clinics and health department

Ambulatory Care centres

Railways and public sector medical department

Community settings like school nurse, health visitor

Professor, lecturer, teacher,etc,.

I hope this will help you share it with your family and friends..😊🤗🤗



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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Microsoft office

           MICROSOFT  Office

It is a word processing software it is developed by Microsoft and is passed on Microsoft office it enables you to create edit and save professional document like letter ,reports ,etc,.

Brief history

Microsoft word office is released in 1983 as multiple tool words. It's first version was based on the framework of Bravo which was world first graphic program.

Microsoft office button

Microsoft office button is located on the top corner of window . It is a new user interface feature that replace the traditional file menu.

When you click the button it offers a list of commands to perform different task which are open ,save ,save as, print, prepare ,send , publish and close this command are described below the following_________ 


Open command  allow you to open an existing file on the computer.


Is used to save a file after completing the work . We can save  images or text documents.

Save as

This command helps you save a new file with a desired file name to a desired location on the hard drive.


Print command is used to print a hard copy of any document.


This command allow you to prepare the document for distribution, i.e. you can view and edit the document properties and inspect the hidden meta data.


On this command we can share any file or documents to anywhere.


On this command  we can publish any documents , images or videos in front of whole people i.e. you can create a blog with the content of the document.


By using close command we can closed any currently open file.

Quick access toolbar

Access toolbar line next to the Microsoft office button it is a customisable toolbar that comes with a set of independent come on it gives you give access to commonly used commands such as save, undo ,redo ,etc.

When you click the drop-down arrow next to the toolbar it offers more commands with a left click you can add any of these commands with a left click you can add this commands to quick access toolbar you can also remove the commands added to the toolbar the index indent spacing for individual styles and other features that appeared on the ribbon cannot be added to quick access toolbar . 

Moving with key




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Saturday, June 12, 2021

Computer basic part 5

Computer mother board

Motherboard service as a single platform to connect all the part of Computer together . It connects the CPU, memory, driver optical driver, video card, sound card and other ports  card directly.

Features of motherboard

# It support a single type of CPU.

# Video card, hard disc ,sound cards have to be function properly in motherboard.

Popular manufacture motherboard



A Open




Computer memory unit

Unit and description

Kilobyte (KB) ,1 KB = 1024 byte

Megabyte (Mb), 1Mb= 1024 kb

Gigabyte (Gb), 1Gb = 1024 Mb

Terabyte (Tb), 1 Tb = 1024 Gb

Pentabyte (Pb), 1Pb=1024 Tb

Computer ports 

It is physical docking paint using which an external device can be connected to the computer .

Serial ports

 # It is used for external modem and older computer mouse .

# It is of two version 9 pin ,25 pin models 

# The data travels at 115 KB/s in it.

Parallel ports 

#  It is used for scanner and printers 

#  It is of 25 pin models .

# PS ;2 ports used for old computer keyboard and mouse .

most of old computer provide to PS ; 2ports each for the mouse and keyboard.

USB ports ( Universal Serial bus)

It can connect all type of external USB device such as external hard disk, printer scanner mouse and keyboard.  Most of the computer provide two USB ports and the data travels at 12 MB per second.

BGA port

It connect monitor to a computer

Modem port

It connect  a PC modem to the telephone network.


It connect the microphone and speaker to the sound card.

Computer hardware

It represent the physical and tangible component of a computer, i.e,  the component that can be run and touch .

Input device : keyboard mouse 

Output device : printer , monitor 

Secondary storage device : hard disk, CD or DVD 📀📀

 Internal components :  CPU, motherboard and RAM

 Hardware and software are mutually dependent on each other both of them must work together to make a computer produce a useful output.

 Software cannot be utilised without supporting hardware.

 Hardware without a set of software to operate upon can not be applied and useless.

 hardware is a  1 time expensive 

Different software application can be loaded on a hardware to run different job .

 Computer software

It  is a set of program which is designed to perform a well define function .

There are two types of software :-----

 System software and Application software

System software

It is the collection of programs designed to operate, control and extend the processing of the computer itself.  It is generally prepared by the computer manufacturers .

 E.g., the system software is compiler and interpreter

Features  of system software

It Close the system.

 It is fast in speed .

It is difficult to design.

 It is smaller in size.

 It is difficult to manipulate .

It is generally written in low level language.

Application software

It was designed to satisfy a particular environment . All software application prepared in the computer lab come under the category of application software 

examples : railway reservation software, banking software , student record software, Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel ,Microsoft PowerPoint, inventory management software, payroll software.

Features of application software

It is Close to user . 

It is easy to designed.

It is  slow in a speed .

 It is  easy to manipulate.

It is  generally written in high level language example PHP, Java etc.,




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Thursday, June 10, 2021

Top bsc nursing college in Chandigarh



Chandigarh is city and union territories of India which is capital of Haryana and Punjab. The city Chandigarh is famous for its rich culture and tourists spots of India. It  is also good for education and there is many colleges and universities present . I'll inform you about some famous or top colleges of Chandigarh.

Chitkar George Brown College

This college is located  in Chandigarh City 

Contact:- 01724691800

Aeon Career 

It is located in Phse XI, Mohali, Chandigarh, 160055 , 

Mobile number :- 01724630400

School of nursing Gmsh

This college situated in sector 16 ,government multispeciality , Panchkula , Chandigarh , 134113 

Mobile number - 0172 254 0461


Location -  405 , 4th floor , flat number 178 - 179 , elante office industrial and Business park , industrial area phase 1 , Chandigarh 160002

 mobile number :- 017 230 29300

Ratan College of Nursing

 Located in sector 78 , Ajitgarh , Punjab,  mobile number number - 1602 258 913 

website :- 

Shri Sukhmani group of institutes 

Located at SCO 447 - 448 , Himalaya Marg , sub City centre, sector 35-C, Chandigarh, 160035 

mobile number :-1800 1371762

Victor institute of Nursing

 Located at Fatehgarh Sahib, Chandigarh

 HKL school of nursing 

Located at guddar Dhandi road, Guru har Sahai, Punjab, 152022 ,

mobile number :-0981 464 1432


 Perfect solution

 Located at 378, top floor, sector 37 -D, Chandigarh 160036,

 mobile number :- 0998 8348 862

 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing

 Located in Balongi By pass, National Highway 3, Balongi ajitgarh, Punjab, 160 307,

 mobile number :-  09 872 575555


Beekay institute of Nursing 

Located at SCO.80, 2nd floor, sector 40 C, Chandigarh ,160036,

 mobile number:- 017 2269 1721


 Amar professional College of Nursing 

Located in near Zirakpur Rajpura Highway dayalpur , Punjab 140603,

 mobile number :- 01762 657 335, 65 7029


 Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dharma College

 Located in sector -32-C , India -

 mobile number :- 1017 249 12400 , 26000 90

 website :-

 Postgraduate institute of medical education and research

 located in sector -12, Chandigarh, India - 1160 012, 

 mobile number :- 0172 274 6018 

website:- or

 academy of clinical intelligence

Located in SCO. 188 -189 , first floor , cabin number 101 , Chandigarh , India -16000 9

 mobile number :- 0172 469 9777 

website :-

 Malwa College of Nursing 

Located in Faridkot road , city Kotkapura 151204

 mobile number :- 91 613 5228 188, 9646 900 944

website :- 

Saraswati nursing institute

 located in Saraswati education and welfare society, friend enclave, near Garewal Hospital, Chandigarh road , Kharar , district :-  Mohali Punjab 

mobile number :-  01602 660 600 , 73 5560 6135


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