Part 1
Unit - 3
Attention the focus of conscious on a particular object or idea at a particular time, to the exclusion of other object or ideas.
It is defined as a process ,which compels the individual to select some particular stimulus according to his interest and attitude out of the multiplicity of stimulus present in the environment.
Sharma RN 9067
Attention is the concentration of consciousness upon one object rather upon another.
Dumville - 1938
Types of attention
Voluntary attention (volitional)
Involuntary attention (non - volitional)
Voluntary attention
It demands a conscious efforts on our parts. For example solving an assignment problem in maths, answering a question in an examination needs voluntary attention.
It is further subdivided into two categories ______
implicit volitional attention
explicit volitional attention
Implicit volitional attention
A single act of will is responsible for arousing attention.
explicit volitional attention
It is obtained by repeated acts of will. One has to struggle hard for keeping oneself attentive; it requires a strong will power keen attention and strong motives for accomplishment of the task.
Involuntary attention
It aroused without the play of will or without making a conscious effort on our parts , for example , we give involuntary attention to loud sound, bright light, strong odors.
Determinants of attention or method of arousing attention or factors and condition favourable for capturing attention
Certain factors for produce and control the condition of attention in a person. These factor are classified as external (objective)- those found in one's environment and internal (subjective )-those within the person himself . The method of securing attention are based upon the external and internal factors of attention.
External factors are conditions
Nature of the stimulus:- an attractive stimulus should always be chosen for capturing maximum attention.
Intensive the stimulus:- in comparison to a big stimulus and intensive stimulus attract more attention of an individual.
Size of the stimulus:- in comparison to small object the bigger object attracts more attention.
Contrast change and novelty:- change and variety strike attension more easily than routine. Novelty means something new or different , it attracts individual very easily.
Location of the stimulus:- the location of the stimulus also affect attention for example visual stimuli.
Repetition of the stimulus:- a repeated stimulus attracts our attention. We may ignore a stimulus at first instance, but then it is repeated several times it captures our attention.
Movement of the stimulus:- a moving stimulus catches our attention more quickly than a stimulus that does not move.
Definite form of the object:- a sharply defined object attracts our attention more than broad indefinite object.
Isolation of the stimulus:- isolation is an important external factor to attract the attention.
Internal factors or conditions
A person attention to a stimulus depends not only upon the characteristics of the stimulus or the environment condition but also upon his interest , motives ,basic needs and urges,etc.
Interest and attention:- We give attention to those object which we are interested then those in which we are not interested.
Motives:- the basic drives and urge of individual are very important in securing attention example like hunger, thirst ,fear,etc.
Mental setup:- a person always attends to those object towords which his mind has set.
Past experience:- learning and previous experience facilitate attention.
Emotion:- the emotional state, in which a person determines attention.
Habit:- a man develop the habit of attending to necessary and desirable things and on the other hands also develops the habit of not attending to unnecessary and undesirable things.
Aim:- according our aim human will attend the activities.
Meaning:- in comparison to the meaning of stimuli; meaningful stimulus attracts the attention.
Natural tendency and temperament:-both are important internal factors which attracts attention.
Besides the condition described above many other factors influence attention such as heredity ,education, family ,schools, society training,etc,. which have a wide role on attention.
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