Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 6

                 Transfer of Learning


Transfer refers to the transfer of knowledge ; training and habits acquired in one situation to the other.

                Sorenson -1948

The carry over of the habits of thinking , feeling or working of knowledge or of Skills from one learning area to another is usually referred to as the transfer of training.

             Crow and Crow - 1973

Types of transfer

There are three types of transfer of learning

Positive transfer 

It is said to be positive when something previously learned benefits performance or learning in any situation.

Negative transfer

When something previously  learnt hinders performance or learning in a new situation , we call it negative transfer.

Zero transfer

In case , the previous learning makes no difference at all to the performance or learning in a normal situation , there is said to be zero transfer from the previous situation to the new one.

Essential implication of transfer of learning

The following suggestion can help the learner to achieve maximum previous transfer______

1. While engaging in learning the learner should try to integration of the theoretical studies with the practical experiences.

2. Learning should be properly correlated with the life experience , environmental surroundings and other area of study and knowledge.

3. Rote learning should be avoided.

4. Learning should never hesitate to utilise the learning of one field in the learning of the other fields.

5. Learning should try to learn the proper knowledge and insight in the making the difference between the positive and negative transfer of his learning.

6. Learners should have positive attitude during learning.

Study habits

A student must follow the point for her learning to be effective________

1. Being self prepared :- sound physical and mental health are needed for good study.

2. Planning and organization:- the student nurse should have what time table for whole day with a definite period for study.

3. Clarity of purpose:- the nurse should be clear about , what she is learning , how the piece of learning will help her in the carrier.

4. The student nurse should always look for the basic facts of the study and give the importance to those principles.

5. Notes taking :- while studying notes should be written . Notes should be brief and concentrated on the important ideas.

6. Review and over learn:- the rate of forgetting is far in excess of what is retained , therefore, constant review is required to retain the essential of any subject.

7. Paying more attention to the important words charts tables and formulas.

8. Proper physical surrounding for the study.

9. Interrelationship and correlation between the topics and subjects will help the study more effectively.

Theories of learning

There are five theories of learning____

1. Trial and error theory of learning

2.  Theory of classical conditioning

 3. Theory of operant conditioning

 4. Theory of insightful learning 

5. Observational learning.

To be continued in next part.......๐Ÿ˜Š



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