Friday, June 18, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 4


Learning is the natural gift of human beings. It is very important characteristic of human beings. An individual starts learning after entry of this world or in the mother womb. Our personality attitude, skills, habits,knowledge Intreste and character is largely the result of learning . It play  an important process in human behaviour.


Learning is the acquisition of habits, knowledge and attitude . It involves new way of doing things and it of operate individuals attempts to overcome obstacles or to adjust to new situations. It represents progressive changes in behaviour.  It enables him to satisfy interest to attain a goal.

                     ( Crow and Crow - 1973 )

Nature of learning

* Learning involves those experience and trainings of an individual which helps him to produce change in his behaviour .

* It brings changes in behaviour but it is not necessarily mean these changes always bring improvement or development in the positive direction it may be negative also.  

* By learning something and individual can adopt in any situation.

* All learning is goal oriented and purposeful.

* Learning help in proper growth and development of individuals.

* Learning help in in growing personality.

* Learning is a continuous process till date it is not limited in any age, race, sex and culture.

* It is a very comprehensive process which covers nearly all cognitive , conative and affective of human behaviour .

Types of learning________

1. Stimulus response learning

In this type of learning connection of sensory and motor system may be able to occur.

 2. Perception learning

Sight, hearing ,test, smell and touch are considered as the five gateway of knowledge. All knowledge is based on the sense perception.

 3. Verbal learning 

All learning taking place in formal education is verbal learning . Signs, pictures ,symbols ,words, figures ,sound employed by the individual are the essential instrument in the process of verbal learning.

4. Motor learning 

When learning involves the muscles or bone movements like walking, swimming ,playing to sports and instruments are examples of motor learning.

5. Concept learning 

Learning we learn all things with regions and brief explanation. Once a concept is formed an individual manipulates it in language and thinking.

6. Problem solving learning

Problem solving learning is a critical type of learning . It required cognitive ability like thinking ,reasoning and imagination etc.

7.  Attitude learning 

Much of  learning is based on the attitudes because of the formation of attitude we show favorable or unfavorable response to various objects , person or situations.

8. Paired associated learning

 In this type of learning, tasks are presented in such a way that may be learned by reasons of their associations.

9. Other types of learning

It includes visible learning, auditory learning, Kinetic learning ,etc., are the examples of other types of learning.

Learner and learning

There are some basic quality of learner that can be considered as the learners equipments to observe their knowledge in learning.

# The basic quality of the learner is cognitive as well as a appetitive faculties.

# These faculties will help the nurse or guide the learner as they deal with the learning process.

# The cognitive faculties are five senses ,memory, imagination and intellect.

# All of these faculties  are related to the basic operation of the human brain and necessary learning process.

Factors influencing learning

Learners physical health

Physical health of the learner is an important factor for learning. Sensory organs defects, malnutrition, lack of sleep, fatigue are some of the physical condition to affect the learning.

Learners mental health

If the learners are not mentally fit then they cannot learn anything easily. Mental factor like fear, worries, persistent day dreams, feelings of loneliness and inferiority complex are affect learning.

Basic potential of learner

Learners innate ability and capacity for learning.

Learner's general intelligence , knowledge, understanding skills ,etc.

Age and sex

Age important factor for learning. The old people face many problems in learning new things. 

Although sex is not an important factor , certain differences in interest and aptitudes are found between the two to sexes.



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