Monday, May 31, 2021

Health unit 1

 Part 12

Approaches for Primary Prevention


High Risk

Secondary prevention

In this level of prevention activities are done to stop the progress of disease in primary stage.

Specific intervention are ___

# early diagnosis

# treatment

Early diagnosis and treatment

The earlier a diseases is diagnosed and treated the better is prognosis of the case.

Tertiary prevention

# the actions taken in later phase to reduce disability.

# It is used when disease process has advanced beyond its early stage.

# it is the stage in which all measures are taken to the conditions.

Intervention taken____

a) Rehabilitation

It is is combined and coordinate use of medical, social, educational measures for 

Nursing Care Delivery System

A nursing care delivery system organizes the work of caring for patients.

#  The decision of using this system is based on the needs of patients and availability of staff

# In planning for general staffing of ward, the head nurse must know the nursing needs of patients for 24 hours. She must balance, number and type of person available.


Several methods of assignment are used to plan for patient care in hospital.

Some methods are as follows____

Functional nursing

Case method

Team nursing

Case management

Progressive patient

Primary Nursing

Functional nursing

The nursing care is divided into task and each staff member is assigned to perform one or two task for all patients.

A particular job was assigned for the available staff like vital signs, treatment, medication.

The person who has complete responsibility of client is Head Nurse.



2. Case method

It is oldest mode of organizing patients care.

In this method , nurses assume total responsibility of assigned nurses.


May client feel secure.

Family become better known by the nurse.


Nurses may feel overworked.

Nurses may tensed.

3. Team nursing

# Team nursing care was introduced in 1950.

# It is the delivery of individualised nursing care to patient by a team of professional nurses.

4. Case management

# It involves responsibility of planning assisment, implementing and evaluating.

# It can be defined as a process that assess, plan implement and evaluate services to meet individuals health.

# The case manager is assigned responsibility of patients care from hospital and back to home care.

# he/she identify delay and discuss with doctors and patients.


It ensures quality care.

In this method we can collaborate with other health professionals.


Lack of coordination

5. Progressive patients care

It is defined as the organisation of hospital facilitate, services and staff as per medical and nursing needs.

It is a method in which different levels of care is provided.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

किसान कौन



                            किसान कौन?

अरे सुनो जी टिकरी बॉर्डर वाले किसान

तुम खुद को किसान बोलते हो |

 अरे अगर तुम किसान होते तो ,

यू न अपना घर द्वार छोड़कर महीनों बिताते हैं |

अगर तुम असली किसान होती तो तुम्हारे घर पर खाने के  लाले पड़ जाते |

किसान तो वह है जो एक दिन काम न करे तो ,

 उसके घर का चूल्हा नहीं जलता |

 तुम खुद को किसान बोलते हो ;

 अरे ! सुनो जी टिकरी बॉर्डर वाले किसान ,

 तुम तो घर से दूर रहकर भी यूं  नए - नए पोशाक बदलते हो,

 जो असल में किसान हैं उनसे पूछो वह साल में कितने कपड़े खरीदते हैं |

 अरे ! सुनो जी टिकरी बॉर्डर वाले किसान

 तुम तो बस यूं ही राजनीति कर रहे हो ,

 और नाम दे रहे हो किसानों की |

 क्या तुम्हें नहीं दिखता इस वक्त वायरस के चंगुल में जूझ रहा है देश |

 अगर तुम किसान होते तो ,

 तुम्हें फिक्र होती अपने बाल बच्चों की ना की राजनीति की |

  अरे! सुनो जी टिकरी बॉर्डर वाले किसान |

                                         By :- Pooja Rauniyar





Thursday, May 27, 2021

क्रोध का मूल्य

क्रोध :- क्रोध या गुस्सा होना मनुष्य का एक प्राकृतिक स्वभाव हैं | क्रोध आने पर हृदय गति और रक्तचाप बढ़ जाता है|यह भय(डर), बेचैनी और तनाव से उपजता है। क्रोध मानव के लिए हानिकारक है। क्रोध कायरता का चिह्न है।  जिनमे परिस्थियों को झेलने का साहस नहीं होता उनको बहुत जल्दी क्रोध आता हैं | क्रोध जैसी नकारात्मक गतिविधी हमारे चरित्र और स्वास्थ पर बहुत हानिकारक प्रभाव डालती हैं| 

नाट्य शास्त्र में क्रोध को एक ‘रस’ या नैसर्गिक भाव कहा गया है। American Physiological Association ने ‘गुस्से को विपरीत परिस्थितियों के प्रति एक सहज अभिव्यक्ति कहा गया है।  इस उग्र प्रदर्शन वाले भाव से हम अपने ऊपर लगे आरोपों से अपनी रक्षा करते हैं। लिहाजा अपनी अस्तित्व रक्षा के लिए क्रोध भी जरूरी होता हैं | 
क्रोध का ध्येय किसी व्यक्ति विशेष या समाज से प्रेम की अपेक्षा करना भी होता है।

क्रोध से ज्यादातर हानि ही होती है परन्तु कभी-कभी हम गुस्से में अच्छा काम कर जाते है जैसे- गुस्से में अपने किसी काम को लेना कर लेना, जिससे हम प्यार करते है उनके ऊपर भी गुस्सा होते हैं और हमारे गुस्से को प्यार समझते हुए  बात को अच्छी तरह समझ जाते है | गुस्सा एक हद तक ही ठीक होता है | गुस्से में लिया गया फैसला हमेशा  हानिकारक  ही होता है, जब हमारा गुस्सा शांत होता है तो हमें दुःख और पछतावा होता है | 

आईये मै आपको अपनी एक हाल की ही एक घटना बताती हूँ , अभी कुछ दिन पहले अपने एक फ्रेंड से बात कर रही थीं | अचानक से मुझे उसकी बातो पर क्रोध आने लगी और हुआ यूं की गुस्से में सीढ़ियों से निचे उतरते वक़्त मेरे हाथ से फ़ोन छूटकर गिर गया और टूट गया | फ़ोन से जितनी  काम होती थी वो सब रूक गयी | बाद में अपने गुस्से पर  दुखी और पछतावा हुआ | 

जब आपके काम का श्रेय कोई और ले लेता है अथवा आपके काम पर प्रश्न उठाता है तो क्रोध के लक्षण उभरने लगते हैं। पर इससे पहले कि क्रोध हम पर हावी हो जाए हमें इसका प्रबंध करना जरूरी हो जाता है। हमें क्रोध के मूल कारण को जानने और समझने की जरूरत है| 
गुस्सा एक ऐसी अवस्था है जिसमें विचार तो आतें हैं लेकिन भाव अपनी प्रधानता पर होते हैं और सामने वाला कौन है? हमारा उससे क्या सबंध है? हमें उससे कैसा व्यवहार करना चाहिए ? आदि विचार लुप्त हो जाते हैं!

वास्तविकता यह है कि जब हमें गुस्सा आता है तो हम ज्यादा दूर तक नहीं सोच पाते बल्कि उससे होने वाले परिणाम के बारे में भी नहीं सोच पाते । बस दिमाग में रहता है तो वो है गुस्सा, गुस्सा, और गुस्सा। आपका दिमाग तभी संतुलित होकर सोच सकता है जब आप आपके अन्दर किसी भाव की अधिकता न हो । आपने देखा होगा कि जब हम बहुत खुश रहते हैं तब भी हम सही से नहीं सोच पाते । जब कोई भाव हमारे ऊपर पूरी तरह से हावी होता है तो सबसे ज्यादा हमारी "सोचने की क्षमता"(Ability of thinking) प्रभावित होती है ।

क्रोध का मूल्य हमेशा  बड़ा होता है :

गुस्से पर करें काबू 
- गुस्से पर नियंत्रण रखने के लिए बेहतर है कि आप सकारात्मक और क्रिएटिव काम करें
- कुछ भी ऐसा करें जिससे आपका ध्यान कुछ देर के लिए बंट जाएं
- मजाक तनाव दूर करने का सबसे बेहतर तरीका है। 
- समय पर खाना खाने से, कसरत करने से और पर्याप्त आराम करने से गुस्सा कम आता है
- योगा, मेडिटेशन और कांगनेटिव तकनीक भी तनाव और गुस्से को दूर करने में कारगर है

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

पतझड़ के बाद बहारें फिर से आती हैं

संघर्ष जीवन का ... 

कलीफ़ों की बौछारें तो पड़ती ही रहती हैं ;
उनसे भागकर जाये तो जाये कहा ,
तकलीफ भरे इस अँधियारे में दीपक तो जलाना ही पड़ता हैं ;

पेड़ से चिड़ियों के चले जाने से पेड़ रोने तो नहीं लगता ,
कल कभी ख़त्म नहीं होता है क्योकि वो एक नए सबेरे के साथ फिर आता हैं ; 

अगर दिल में कुछ करने की चाह हो तो ऊपर वाला राह खुद ब खुद बना देता हैं ; 
तो आओ अपनी मेहनत और लगन से उम्मीदों की फसल फिर से उगाये ,

चलो एक बार फिर से जी जाय ,
पतझड़ के बाद बहारें फिर से आती हैं ;
मुरझाई कलियाँ एक बार फिर से जरूर मुस्कुराती हैं | 



Monday, May 24, 2021

देखों यूँ ख़ामोश बैठें हैं

अदरक की चाय पर जो घंटो बतियाते थे ,
मटर की कचौरियों पे smiles 😊😊😊जो बनाते थे;
देखों यूँ ख़ामोश बैठें हैं, रिश्ता अपना तोड़े बैठें हैं ; 
ना शेरनी की Roar हैं , ना टर टर मेढ़क की ;
ना बर्फी रोमांस की, ना इनकी शरारत की;
देखों यूँ सब कुछ खोये बैठें हैं, रिश्ता अपना तोड़े बैठें हैं ; 
ना सेल्फीज़ हैं, ना लाइव हैं, ना प्यार की निशानियाँ ;
ना हाथों में हाथ, ना टैगिंग, ना माफ़ियाँ ;
देखों होश में बेहोश बैठे हैं, रिश्ता अपना तोड़े बैठें हैं ;
ना जाने किस खुमारी में थे, गुस्से की किस बीमारी में थे ;
दिल अपनी जान का तोड़े बैठें है, मुँह जिंदगी से मोड़ें बैठें है;
देखों देखों ये आज रिश्ता तोड़े बैठे है |❣️❣️❣️

Sunday, May 23, 2021

childhood days

                  childhood days

Hello friends,

I am Pooja Rauniyar , welcome everyone on my blog prauniyarowpassion.blogspot.come by looking at the title of the blog, you must have understood what we are going to tell you about today. Today I went cycling out of my house. I often go out of the house cycling.There is a big Market behind my house. Nowadays the lock down is going on, so the entire market is staying empty. Because of the market being empty, all of us children go there and play.When my mind does not do anything, I want to ride a cycle that freshens my mind. Today I went for cycling and drove a little bit and saw some kids playing. And I stop and look at those children. All the children were next door to my house. The game that the children were playing is called Langri leg.

This game is played with one leg up. One leg is sprung from one section to another. In this game the breath is held back. When the breath stops, it is restarted from there.. During playing this the player should have to say Jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, with holding a leg and holding breath

We also used to play this game when we were young. This game attracted me because it was a little different from the games of our time. The structure of the game in the game was different.It was just like Jalebi but it was in square shape.Then that child also taught me how to play. Then I also played with them.I started playing the wrong way while playing, then she told me the right way. I am very happy to play that game and I really enjoy that moment. After a round without reaching the breath, you get a home when you bring it to the outside where you can relax a little while playing. It was like a reward for the player. These are the games of childhood that give so much joy.You too must have remembered your childhood game by reading this blog.Hope you guys enjoyed reading this blog. Thank you for reading this blog. Comment how was it Whether your childhood memories are fresh.




Friday, May 21, 2021

Kamine dost


Thursday, May 20, 2021


हेल्लो दोस्तों,

मैं पूजा रौनियार  आपका स्वागत है हमारे ब्लॉग पर आज मैं आप लोगों को Tauktae तूफान के बारे में बताऊंगी-

जैसे कि आप सभी जानते हैं कि देश के कई राज्यों में Tauktae नामक तूफान ने प्रवेश किया है। यह तूफान अरब सागर से उठा है। वैसे तो अरब सागर से निकलने वाले तूफान इतनी खतरनाक नहीं होते हैं, जितने कि बंगाल की खाड़ी से निकलने वाले तूफान होते हैं। परंतु इस बार का तूफान बहुत ही ज्यादा खतरनाक है। 

आप लोग सोच रहे होंगे कि तूफान का नाम कैसे चुना जाता है , IMD ( India meteorological department) निर्धारित करता है, इसका हेडक्वार्टर नई दिल्ली में है। भारतीय समुद्री तट से जुड़े 13 देश इसके सदस्य हैं। सभी देश मिलकर नाम देते हैं, उनमें से कोई एक नाम रख दिया जाता है। इनमें भारत, बांग्लादेश, म्यांमार, पाकिस्तान, मालदीव, ओमान, श्रीलंका, थाईलैंड, ईरान, कतर, सउदी अरब, यूएई और यमन शामिल हैं।

यह नाम ओमान द्वारा दिया गया है। Tauktae इसका मतलब है बर्मी बोली में एक अत्यधिक मुखर छिपकली।

यह तूफान देश के कई राज्यों में आया है। तूफान देश के कई राज्यों में आया है, जैसे-मुंबई, गुजरात, गोवा, राजस्थान और उनसे जुड़े इलाकों में और यह तूफान बढ़ता ही जा रहा है। इस तूफान  के कारण भारी बारिश और तेज हवाएं चल रही है। बहुत सारे मछुआरे समुंद्र में फंसे हैं, और कई सारे मछुआरों की जानें चली गई




Wednesday, May 19, 2021



.The word communication comes from the latin word 'communicare' which means to share, to import, to partake etc.

It means transmitting and sharing of ideas, opinions, facts and information between persons or groups in such a way that the meaning received is equivalent to those that is perceived and understood by the sender. 


1. "Communication is a process of mutual exchange of thoughts, feelings, ideas, facts and emotions."           -Merrihue

2. "Communication is sharing of ideas and feelings in a mood of mutuality."    -Edgar Dale 

3. "It is the process of sharing information ideas and attitude between individual"



*  It is powerful form communication that occurs in and individual.

* This level of communication is also called self -talks, self- verbalization and inner thought.


*  It is one to one interaction that occurs face to face.

*  This level of communication is frequently used in nursing situation.

*  Its results in expression of feeling, exchange of ideas, decision making, team building and problem solving  and personal growth when happen meaningfully.


*  It interaction that occurs with within a person's spiritual domain.

*  Nurses who value human spiritually use this  level for patients and for themselves.


*  It is interaction that take place with gathering of small number of persons. 

*  Its is usually goal-oriented and requires and understanding of group dynamics.

*  Nurses use this form for committee work, to lead client  support group, form research team and so on.


*  It is an interaction between an individual and groups within organization in order to achieve established goal.


*  it is interaction with an audience.

*  nurses use this form for group health education, classroom discussion with students or peers.


1.  SOURCES OF SENDER- the person objects which passes information or ideas to other person is known as sender or sources.

2.  IDEAS- this is the subject matter of communication. this might be opinions, attitudes, feeling, view, suggestion, order etc.

3.  ENCODING- conversion of subject matter into symbols(words, action, pictures etc.) is the process of encoding. Symbols are transmitted from sender to the receiver.

4. CHANNEL- the symbols are transmitted through  certain channels , e.g.. radio, telephone, speech, written message, gestures etc. depending upon the relative distance between the sender and receiver.

5.  RECEIVER- receiver the person to whom the message mental for.

6. DECODING- receiver converts the symbol received from the sender to give him the meaning of the message.

7. FEEDBACK- It is the response from the receiver. It is necessary to ensure that the receiver has received the message and understood it in the same sense as sender wants.




*  it is one way from the communicator to the audience. 

*  in this type of communication the sender will not get instant instant return or feedback from the receiver.    


*  in this both the communicator and audience take parts. the process of communication is active and democratic it is more likely to influence behavior then one-way communication. people may rise questions and give their ideas, opinion and information to the subject.



*  it is mainly used in office or institution for communicating to the people. the medium of formal communication may be department meeting, interview, conference etc. 


*  it is generally used in friends circle and family member for gossip. it is very fast and active process.


A.  VERBAL COMMUNICATION- it is traditional way of communication is the use of spoken and written word. language is the chief vehicle of communication through which we can interact with other and able to pass information.

B. NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION- communication can occur even without work in which we can transfer or message with the help of  body-language without using words e.g. facial expression, body movement etc.

4. VISUAL COMMUNICATION- it include charts, graphs, tables, maps, posters etc.

5.  TELECOMMUNICATION- it is the process of communication over distance using electromagnetic instrument design for the purpose. e.g. T.V. , radio, internet, telephone etc.



Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Our Dreams Tell Us Something


When we have dreams after sleeping, those dreams have some meaning in our life.                                          These dreams tell us the present condition and give us time to improve the future.

You must be feeling a little strange how dreams tell us about our self-

Let us tell you about your dreams and realty

In the dream, I feel like you must have experienced that: we have a very scary thing ,We are running and we are rushing ahead but it seems that we are not able to run. Such dreams show lack of confidence and fear in our faith. This means we need to increase our confidence and eliminate fear.

Sometimes I had such a dream that the same scary thing is running, but we start flying in the air while running , These dreams tell us that if you are thinking too much about something, it means that we do not over think.

There are so many dreams that we have to understand and we need to improve ourselves.

hindi translate:-

ब हम सोने के बाद सपने देखते हैं, तो उन सपनों का हमारे जीवन में कुछ अर्थ होता है। ये सपने हमें वर्तमान स्थिति बताते हैं और हमें भविष्य को बेहतर बनाने का समय देते हैं।

आपको थोड़ा अजीब लग रहा होगा कि कैसे सपने हमें हमारे बारे में बताते हैं-

आइए हम आपको बताते हैं आपके सपनों और हकीकत के बारे में

सपने में मुझे ऐसा लगता है कि आपने अनुभव किया होगा कि: हमारे पास बहुत डरावनी चीज है, हम दौड़ रहे हैं और हम आगे बढ़ रहे हैं लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि हम दौड़ नहीं पा रहे हैं। ऐसे सपने हमारे विश्वास में आत्मविश्वास की कमी और भय को दर्शाते हैं। इसका मतलब है कि हमें अपना आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाने और डर को खत्म करने की जरूरत है।

कभी-कभी मुझे ऐसा सपना आता था कि वही डरावनी चीज चल रही हो, लेकिन हम दौड़ते-भागते हवा में उड़ने लगते हैं, ये सपने हमें बताते हैं कि अगर आप किसी चीज के बारे में बहुत ज्यादा सोच रहे हैं, तो इसका मतलब है कि हम ज्यादा नहीं सोचते।

बहुत सारे सपने हैं जिन्हें हमें समझना है और हमें खुद को बेहतर बनाने की जरूरत है।

Monday, May 17, 2021

Health unit 1

 Part 11

     Health promotion model

The health promotion model (H.P.N) was proposed by Bola J. Pender .

It was designed to demonstrate "multidimensional nature of person as they interact with environment to pursue health".

The Model focuses on ___

Individual characteristics and experiences

Behaviour cognitions and affect 

Behaviour outcomes

Individual Characteristics And Experiences

Personal factors

a) Personal biological factor

It includes variables such as age ,gender, strength, balance, puberty.

b) Personal psychological factor

It Includes self esteem,self motivation

c) Personal soceio - cultural factor

Includes variables such as race , education

Behaviour (cognition, affect)

It is considered as a major motivational

1) Perceived benefits of action

Outcomes like physical fitness and stress reduction affects the persons plan to participate in health promotion.

2) Perceived barriers to action

A person's perception about time, inconvenience and difficulty in performing activity are the barriers.

3) Perceived self efficacy

Control on behaviour so higher the self efficacy results there are chances of lower perceptions of barriers.

4) Activity related affect

Subjective positive or negative feelings are based on behaviour.

The more the positive subjective feeling the more is self efficacy.

5) Interpersonal Influence

International influence are persons perception concerning behaviour,belief, attitudes.

6) Situational Influence

Behaviour includes available options, demand characteristic and features of environment.

Behaviour outcomes

Health promotion behaviour is the outcome of health promotion model, which helps I attaining positive health of client.

a) Commitments to plan of action

Concept of planned strategy leads to implementing the health behaviour.

b) Immediate Competing Demands and Preferences

Competing demands are alternative behaviour over which individual have low control because there are family care

Levels of Disease Prevention

Level of prevention are the actions aimed at elimination, minimising the impact of disease.

The goal of health care service are to promote health, prevent health and restore health.

Success of prevention depends upon_____

a) knowledge and causation

b) Dynamics of transmission

c) Identification of risk factors

Disease Prevention is described in terms of primary, premortal secondary and tertiary levels.

1. Primordial Prevention

It consists of action and measures.

It is the prevention of emergency or risk factor in population.

2. Primary Prevention

It is defined as action taken prior to the onset of diseases, which remove possibility that diseases will occur.

Types of primary prevention___

Health promotion

1. Health education

2. Environment modification

3. Nutrition

4. Lifestyle and behaviour changes

Specific protection

1. Immunization 

2. Specific nutrients

3. Protection

4. Control of hazard (air pollution)


स्वास्थ्य संवर्धन मॉडल

स्वास्थ्य संवर्धन मॉडल (H.P.N) को बोला जे. पेंडर द्वारा प्रस्तावित किया गया था।

यह "व्यक्ति की बहुआयामी प्रकृति को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया था क्योंकि वे स्वास्थ्य को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए पर्यावरण के साथ बातचीत करते हैं"।

मॉडल ___ पर केंद्रित है-

व्यक्तिगत विशेषताएं और अनुभव

व्यवहार संज्ञान और प्रभाव

व्यवहार परिणाम

व्यक्तिगत विशेषताएं और अनुभव

व्यक्तिगत कारक

A) व्यक्तिगत जैविक कारक

इसमें आयु, लिंग, शक्ति, संतुलन, यौवन जैसे चर शामिल हैं।

B) व्यक्तिगत मनोवैज्ञानिक कारक

आत्म सम्मान, आत्म प्रेरणा शामिल है

C) व्यक्तिगत सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक कारक

दौड़ , शिक्षा जैसे चर शामिल हैं

व्यवहार (अनुभूति, प्रभाव)

इसे एक प्रमुख प्रेरक माना जाता है

1) कार्रवाई के कथित लाभ

शारीरिक फिटनेस और तनाव में कमी जैसे परिणाम स्वास्थ्य संवर्धन में भाग लेने के लिए व्यक्तियों की योजना को प्रभावित करते हैं।

2) कार्रवाई के लिए कथित बाधाएं

समय, असुविधा और गतिविधि करने में कठिनाई के बारे में एक व्यक्ति की धारणा बाधाएं हैं।

3) कथित आत्म प्रभावकारिता

व्यवहार पर नियंत्रण इतना अधिक है कि आत्म-प्रभावकारिता का परिणाम बाधाओं की कम धारणा की संभावना है।

4) गतिविधि से संबंधित प्रभाव

व्यक्तिपरक सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक भावनाएं व्यवहार पर आधारित होती हैं।

सकारात्मक व्यक्तिपरक भावना जितनी अधिक होगी, आत्म-प्रभावकारिता उतनी ही अधिक होगी।

5) पारस्परिक प्रभाव

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय प्रभाव व्यवहार, विश्वास, दृष्टिकोण से संबंधित व्यक्तियों की धारणा है।

6) स्थितिजन्य प्रभाव In

व्यवहार में उपलब्ध विकल्प, मांग विशेषता और पर्यावरण की विशेषताएं शामिल हैं।

व्यवहार परिणाम

स्वास्थ्य संवर्धन व्यवहार स्वास्थ्य संवर्धन मॉडल का परिणाम है, जो मुझे ग्राहक के सकारात्मक स्वास्थ्य को प्राप्त करने में मदद करता है।

क) कार्य योजना के प्रति वचनबद्धता

नियोजित रणनीति की अवधारणा स्वास्थ्य व्यवहार को लागू करने की ओर ले जाती है।

ख) तत्काल प्रतिस्पर्धी मांगें और प्राथमिकताएं

प्रतिस्पर्धी मांग वैकल्पिक व्यवहार है जिस पर व्यक्ति का नियंत्रण कम होता है क्योंकि परिवार की देखभाल होती है

रोग की रोकथाम के स्तर

रोकथाम का स्तर बीमारी के प्रभाव को कम करने, उन्मूलन के उद्देश्य से की जाने वाली क्रियाएं हैं।

स्वास्थ्य देखभाल सेवा का लक्ष्य स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देना, स्वास्थ्य को रोकना और स्वास्थ्य को बहाल करना है।

रोकथाम की सफलता _____ पर निर्भर करती है

A) ज्ञान और कारण

B) संचरण की गतिशीलता

C) जोखिम कारकों की पहचान

रोग की रोकथाम प्राथमिक, प्रसव पूर्व माध्यमिक और तृतीयक स्तरों के संदर्भ में वर्णित है।

1. प्राथमिक रोकथाम

प्राथमिक रोकथाम में कार्रवाई और उपाय शामिल हैं।

यह जनसंख्या में आपातकालीन या जोखिम कारक की रोकथाम है।

2. प्राथमिक रोकथाम

इसे रोगों की शुरुआत से पहले की गई कार्रवाई के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है, जो इस संभावना को दूर करती है कि बीमारियां होंगी।

प्राथमिक रोकथाम के प्रकार___

स्वास्थ्य संवर्धन

1. स्वास्थ्य शिक्षा

2. पर्यावरण संशोधन

3. पोषण

4. जीवन शैली और व्यवहार में परिवर्तन

विशिष्ट सुरक्षा

1. टीकाकरण

2. विशिष्ट पोषक तत्व

3. सुरक्षा

4. खतरे का नियंत्रण (वायु प्रदूषण)

Sunday, May 16, 2021

कोरोना पर आस्था या अंधविश्वास ?

   कोरोना पर आस्था या अंधविश्वास ?

हेल्लो दोस्तों

मैं पूजा रौनियार , आज आपको गांवो में corona viruses पर लोगो के अजीबो गरीब उपायों को बताऊंगी। जैसे की आप सभी जानते हैं कि गांवो में तरह तरह के लोग उपाय ढूंढ रहे है।

वैसे तो काढ़ा पीना लोगों का घर में रहना योग आसन करना ये सब तो अच्छी चीजें हैं।ये सारे उपाय करने से लोगो को रोगों से लड़ने में बहुत सहायता मिलेगा। पर आजकल गांवो में एक नया ही तरीका अपनाया जा रहा हैं। पता नहीं ये उनकी आस्था है या अंधविश्वास कौन जाने। मेरे हिसाब से तो ये लोगो का भ्रम है ।तो आप लोग सोच रहे होंगे कि किस भ्रम की बात हम यहां कर रहे हैं।

तो चलिए बताते है ,आजकल गांवो में लोग corona ko भगाने के लिए तरह तरह तरह के यज्ञ, पुजा पाठ, और सुबह शाम जल चढ़ा रहे हैं। गांव की सारी औरतें एक साथ किसी एक जगह जल चढ़ा रही हैं। ऐसा कोई घर नहीं जहा की औरतें न जाए । हर घर से एक औरत जल चढ़ाने ( छाक चढ़ाना) जाती हैं। चलिए ठीक है हर इंसान की सोच अलग अलग होता है। हसीं तो इस बात पर आता है कि लोग corona viruse को भगाने के लिए ये सब उपाय अपना रहे हैं और जो सच में corona को भगा सकता हैं ओ नियम लोग समझने की कोशिश तक नहीं कर रहे है । लोग जब भी जल चढ़ाने जाते है किसी के मुंह पर मास्क 😷😷 नहीं होते बस ऐसे एक दो लोग ही होंगे जिन्होंने मास्क लगाया हों जो लगाए भी है ओ बस मुंह ढके हैं जबकि मास्क को पूरा नाक तक ढक के लगाने चाहिए। आखिर ये क्या है विश्वास या अंधविश्वास। लोगों को इतने दिनो से समझाया जा रहा हैं आख़िर corona के नियमों को पालन करने वाले तरीके इनको क्यों नहीं समझ आया। ये नहीं हैं कि मेरे वहा से कोई नहीं जाता हमारी जो दादी है उन्हें कितना भी बता दो इससे कुछ नहीं होता लेकिन हमारी बातों पर विश्वास नहीं करेंगी उन्हें तो जाना ही है।

कुछ दिन corona को भगाने वाला छाक (जल) चढ़ाने के बाद लोग कढ़ाई चढ़ाते हैं। कढ़ाई चढ़ता है उसमें पूरी और आटे की हलवा बनाय जाता है।और सारे चीजों को भगवान का नाम लेकर चढ़ा देते हैं लोग। 





Saturday, May 15, 2021

Health unit 1

  Part 10 


Hospital is an integral part of a social and medical organisation, the function is to provide complete health care to patient.

"A hospital is an institution for health care and provide treatment by specialized staff and equipment."

Physical setup of hospital

1. Location of hospital

2. Provision for health factors

3. Construction of hospital building

Classification of hospitals

1. According to the size or bed capacity

100 or less bed capacity (small)

101-300 bed capacity (medium size)

301 to 1000 bed ( large hospital)

500 (teaching hospital)

200to 300 beds - district hospital

30 to 50 beds - community health center

6 to 10 beds - primary health care center

2. According to ownership

Government or public hospitals run by central state government.

Non-government hospitals run by clients fees, gifts.

3. According to objectives

Teaching hospital

Specialized hospital

Isolation hospital

Rural hospital

4. According to system of medicine

Long term care Hospitals

e.g cancer

Short term hospitals

5. According to management

Hospital run by union government (railway) Hospitals by state government

Hospitals run by autonomous bodies like AIIMS (New Delhi)

Voluntary hospitals ( CHC vellore)

Organization of hospital department

In hospitals various departments are maintained and organized.

Main objective of all departments is to provide quality services to patients.

Hospitals have following departments

Outpatient department

Outpatient department is the one where all patients except those who require emergency treatment.

Medical department

Patients admitted to different provide specialized care.

It includes pediatrics, cardiology, neurology, psychiatric, urology, obstetrics and gynaecology.

Nursing department

Nursing is one of the important department in hospitals.

Paramedical department

Laboratory services includes biochemistry, bacteriology, blood banking, etc.

Pharmacy department

Pharmacy is important factor in medical care.

It has responsibility of selection, storing, purchasing of drugs.

Radiology department

It includes facilities of---


MRI(magnetic resonance image)

CT scan


ECG (electrocardiogram)

Non-medical Department

Medical record department

This department includes records of patient who have been admitted, discharged or left against medical advice.

Central sterile department

This department supplies sterile equipments and these include sterile.

Dietary department 

This department is also plays crucial role for patients health.

This department provides proper balanced diet to patients.

House keeping department

This department responsibility for cleaning and furnishing of hospital including pre of infection.

Function of hospital

Diagnostic and therapeutic services

The chief function of hospital is to provide care to patient by early diagnosis.

Emergency and critical care

Hospitals provide care to the patients with acute illness in emergency condition and advanced care for life threatening disease.

Education and training

In order to improve the practice of health care professionals various education programs are conducted in hospitals.

Prevention of disease

There is immunization, outpatient services that will help in prevention of diseases.

Hospitals also prevent infection by using isolation wards.


Hospital are providing opportunities for research to support clinical pradise and advancement in health care.


It is one of the important function of hospitals.

It is combined measure that help patients get back or improve the health conditions.




Friday, May 14, 2021

Eid Mubarak




Health unit 1

 Part 9

Health promotions and preventions

Health promotion is a process of strengthen the individual or host and prevent the occurrence of the disease.

Health promotion involves the population as compared to focusing on people at risk.

The Principles

The focus of health promotion is an access to health services.

Development and improvement that is suitable to health.

Information and education are necessary component of health promotion.

Diagnostic Services

It facilitates the provision of timely,cost effective and highly quality diagnostic care in safe and secure environment.

These services function in the setting of ambulatory care, acute care, mental health, geriatric care and rehabilitation care.

Treatment Services

Treatment services are provided by various categories of health institutions.

* There are general hospitals, teaching hospital, region state hospital, district hospital.

* They also include public health services with available treatment Services.

* Emergency intervention and services should be integrated with primary care .


* Is a process used to give a healing touch to the patients who are suffering from physical or mental disorders.

* Rehabilitation program helps the patients to get back to his/her normal life.

Health Care Agency

Health Care Agency are established to India to provide health services to meet health needs, demand of individual.

Health Care services in India are delivered by both public and private sectors.

Public Agency

1. Public health Care centre

2. Hospitals

a) Rural hospitals

b) District hospitals

c) Teaching hospitals

3. Health insurance schemes

a) Employees State 

b) Central Government health schemes (CGHS)

4. Other agencies

 a)  Defensive services

b)  Railways

Private sectors

1) Hospitals

Acute in patients services

Intensive care

Emergency care

Surgical care 

Special care 

Special therapies

Councelling services

2. Long term care facilities

Intermediate and long term care for people with chronic illness.

Nurses provide care to the patients and support family members.

3. Outpatient setting

Treatment check up , follow up are the main services provided at outpatient setting.

These include clinics , mobile, treatment and diagnostic services.

4. Hospitals/institutions for illness

The main goal of the institution is to improve quality of the life until death.

Nurses provide pain control, comfort by using therapies.

E.g. yoga, massage, meditation

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Unit 1

 Part 8

Delivery of health care services should

1. B we organise to meet the health needs of the entire population.

2. Cover full range of preventives , curative and rehabilitative services.

3. Based on policy objective of health for all.

Characteristics of Health care services

1. relevance

When the services provided in accordance with the needs is the priority for human population.

2. Adequacy

The services should adequate to the requirement.

3. Affordability

Cost of the services should be within the means of individual.

4. Integrated

Services should be combined and integrated and available at same place , and should be simple. 

5. Upto date

All the services based on latest technology.

6. Continuity

All the services once started should continue and must be available for money, resources.

7. Availability

Services must be available to the whole population.

# Principles of health care services

Services should make adequate provision for curative and preventive.

Health services should provide consultant, lab faciality.

The  health organisation should provide possible co operation.

Special provision is required for mother, children and mental children.

Health services should pay emphasis on creation and maintenance of healthy environment.

# Health promotion and prevention

It is a process of strengthen the individual or host and prevent the occurrence of disease. It involves the population as Compared to focussing on people at risk.

The principles of health promotion include

1. The focus of health promotion in an access to health services.

2. Development and improvement of environment that is suitable for health, includes specially the surrounding condition as work or home.

3. The promotion of healthy lifestyle and living conditions.

4. Information and education are accessary components of health promotion .

Health Care Team

It comprises the group of member to coordinate in order to provide comprehensive care to the patients.


Physician, dentist,surgen ,psychiatric and other professional health care specialist must past examination in their speciality to become certified and be permitted to in their area.

Physician Trend vin family medicine general medicine, general pediatry.

Common speciality include __



Obstetrics and gynaecology


Radiology etc

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Happy International nurses day

Happy  International Nurses to all nurses


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Message for all

 A message for all

Be negative think positive 💕💕





Monday, May 10, 2021

Health unit 1

 Part 7

Impact Illness on the client and and family

Illness is never isolated process. When an illness strike a person the family as the whole is affected by desease process.

The changes due to illness are as follows:-

Behaviour changes 

Patient or family experience behaviour changes such as anxiety,fear and shock .

Impact on family role

When illness occurre the role of the patient and family may changed.

This change may be for short term or long term.

During illness family members alter their lifestyle.

Impact on body image

The illness affects the physical appearance of the patients.

Impact on self concepts

Patient is living a restricted life and experiencing social isolation,show the individual feel frustrated and fear.

Impact on family dynamics

Illness individual affects the socio economic factors.

Factors causing stress in hospital

1. Unfamiliarity of surroundings.

2. Loss of independence

3. Separation from family

4. Financial problem

5. Lack of information

Health Care Services

Health has been declared as the fundamental human rights.

" The health care services are designed to meet the health need of community through hospital and community health care agency"

Health Care Services can be defined as "multitude of services rendered to individual families or community by agent of health care. Personal or professional for the purpose of promoting, maintening ,monitoring health."

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Health unit 1

 Part 6

Classification of Illness

Acute Illness

Acute i generally develops suddenly and last a short period of time.

Some acute illness are serious and life threatening .

Chronic Illness

It is a long term health condition that may not have any cure.

eg. COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Diabeties

Terminal Illness

Sometimes called as life threatening illness.

It is a disease that can not be cured or treated.

Age related Illness

Age associated illness means disease of elderly.

Illness behaviour

It is a complex process .

It involves the ways person monitor their bodies , define and interprete their symptoms, take remedial measures and use health care services.

Stages of Illness behaviour

The people generally pass through five stages of Illness.

Suchman (1979) described these stages

Symptoms Experience

It is a first stage in which a person comes to believe that something is wrong.

Patients can experience,pain, rashes,fever and cough.

At the end of this stage he is able to make decision that is symptom of Illness. It includes ABC

    physical symptoms

    Cognitive aspect

C    Emotional response

Assumption of sick role

The individual accept the sick role.

People do self treatment and delay to coming contact with health care professional.

It result in emotional changes such as depression.

Medical care Contact

At this stage the client acknowledges the illness and seeks to explain the causes symptom of disease.

After knowing some client seeks medical treatment,but other start denyed

 the diagnosis.

Assuming dependent rate

This stage  is characterized by the patients decision to accept the diagnosis and follow treatment plan.

Some people want to get information about the disease treatment, other prefer the physician.

After entering the dependent stage the client has to adjust disruption in daily activities which can effect the client.

Recovery or Rehabilitation

During this stage the individual or patient start gaining his/her original health status.

The changes vary dependent on the nature and duration of Illness.

Emotional Response to illness

 The patients who is suffering illness is under many emotional pressure.

The nurses must be able to recognise the sign and symptoms of stress an identity coping mechanisms.




Saturday, May 8, 2021

How to create a blog

Hello everyone

I am Pooja Rauniyar, today's I am going to explain how to create a blog.

Before knowing how to make a blog, you need to know what a blog is.


It is a plateform where we can share or write our ideas, feeling, thoughts, article's etc,. And we can published it.

It is a type of earning plateform which is available on internet.

We can use blog in app or Google.

So , now I am going to start process of creating a blog....

1. Firstly you have to search blogger on google or chrome browser.

2. Then click on create your blog.

3. Then add your email address .

4. After that choose a title or display name for your blog.

5. Then choose an unique URL address for your blog.


6. After that you have to write your display name which you want. 


7. Finish it.

8. Finally your blog is ready  to write your feelings.,,😍

After that click on 3 lines and add new Post

I hope it will definitely help you in making your blog account.




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  Today is the best day of year because on this day the god has send us the two honourable people in our country . Those two people's ar...