Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Definition of nursing


     Definition of nursing

    According to ICN, Nursing is the unique function of nurses that is to assist the individual either sick or well , in the performance of those activities contributing to health or it's recovery ( or a peaceful death) , that he would have perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge.


    According to the American Nurses Association,

    Nursing practice is a direct service, goal directed and adaptable to the need of the individual the family, and community during health and illness.

    Mnemonic meaning of (" NURSE")

    N - mobility, knowledge

    U - usefulness, understanding

    R - responsible, righteous

    S - sympathy, simplicity

    E - efficiency, equaninity , educated , empathy

    Tuesday, March 30, 2021

    Basic of computer part2


    Part 2

                              Basic of computer

    Advantages of computer:-

    * High speed

    * Storage

    * Accuracy

    * Automation

    * Reduction in paper work and cost

    # High speed  

     Computer is a very fast device

    * The computer have unit of speed in micro second/ nanosecond

    * It can perform million of calculation in few seconds


    # Storage

    * Computer has much more storage capacity than human beings

    * It can store large amount of data

    * It can store any kind of data such as video, audio, images,text,etc

    * Memory is very important of computer

    # Accuracy

    * The calculation are 100% error free

    * Computer perform all jobs with 100% accuracy provided

    #  Automation

    Computer is automation machine

    #Reduction in paper work and cost

    * The use of computer for data processing in the organization leads to reduction in paper work and results in speeding up the process.

    * As the data in electronic files can be retrieve as when required, the problem of maintenance of large number of papers file gets reduce.

    Saturday, March 27, 2021

    Basic of computer




    Computer:-  computer is an advanced electronic device i.e., raw data as an input from the user and process.

    Full form of computer :-

    C   = common

    O  = operating

    M = machine

    P = purposely

    U = used for

    T = technological and

    E = education

    R = reasearch

    Benefits of using computer :-

    Increase your productivity

    Connect to the internet


    Organised data and information

    Functions of computer

    ∆ Take data as input

    ∆ Storage the data/ instruction

    ∆ Process the data and convert it into the information

    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    Important points

     Important points to remember

    # embrophyta have features are zygotic, mitosis, diploid embryo,saporophyte and multicellular

    # food is stored in form of carbohydrates in red , brown and green algae

    # diplomatic life cycle containing plants are spermatophyta

    # In cycas saporophytic generation is main plant body.

    # All green algae made up of cellulose, polysaccharides, pectin

    # hetrosporus pteridophyte is -- seleginella and salvinia

    # independent saporophyte found in-- gymnophyte, pteridophyte and angiophyte

    # capsule is diploid structure in funaria have significant-- some cell show meiosis

    # atleast half of the total carbon dioxide fixation is carried out by algae

    # anisogamous type of reproduction present in udorina

    # diplomatic plant with chlorophyll b is -- phanerogamae

    Monday, March 22, 2021


     Part 3

    Cellular Content of Blood

    There are three types of blood cells__

    1. Erthrocytes or red blood cells ( RBC )

    2. Leucocytes or white blood cells ( WBC )

    3. Thrombocytes or Platelets

    @ All blood cells originates from pluripotent stem cell and go through several development stages, byere entering the blood.

    @ The process of blood  cell formation is called haemopoeisis and takes place  within red bone marrow. Haemopoeisis in the skeletons is confined to flat bone irregular bones and the ends of long bones, the main sites are skull,ribs, sternum and pelvis. Lymphocytes are produced in lymphoid tissues.

    # Erythrocytes or RBC

    These are circular , by concave and non- nucleated disc. They have no nucleus and their diameter is about 7micro meter . There main function is in gas transport mainly of oxygen but they also carry some carbon dioxide.

                  The by concavity increases their surface area for gas exchange, and the thinest of the central portion allows fast and exist of gases.

     Life Span and function of Erythrocytes (RBC)

    Erythrocytes are present in red bone marrow which is present in the ends of long bones.

    $ their life span is about 120 days

    $ the process of development of RBC from pluripotent stem cells takes about 7day, and is called erythropoiesis.

    $ the immature cells are released in the blood stream as reticulocytes and then mature into erythrocytes during this time they looses their nuclease and therefore become incapable of division.

    $ Both vitamin B12 and frolic acid are required for red blood synthesis.


    Saturday, March 20, 2021


     Part 2

    Plasma Protein :- It make about 7% of plasma and they are normally retained in the blood because they are too big, too escape through the capillary pores into the tissues. They are responsible for creating the osmotic pressure of blood. Normal osmotic pressure is 25mm of Hg which keeps plasma fluid within the circulation.

    Plasma viscosity is due to plasma protein mainly albumin, globulin and fibrinogen.

    Albumin:- These are formed in the liver. There main function is to maintain normal plasma osmotic pressure. Albumin also act as carrier molecules for lipid and hormones.

    Globulin:-  It is formed in liver and they remains in lymphoid tissues. There function are ---

    # As antibodies

    # Transportation

    # Inhibition of proteolytic enzymes

    Clotting factor:- These are substances essential for coagulation of blood. Serum is plasma from which clotting factors  have been removed. Fibrinogen is a synthesized in the liver and is essential for blood coagulation.

    Inorganic salts:- These are involved in wide variety of activities including muscles contraction, transmission of nerve impulses, formation of secretion and maintenance of acid-base balance. The pH of blood is 7.35 to 7.45

    Nutrients:-  In the alimentary tract food is broken down into small molecules, e.g., monosaccharide, amino acid, mineral salts they are required by all body cells to provide energy, heat , materials for repair and replacement and for the synthesis of other blood components and body secretion.

    Waste Products:- Urea creatinine, uric acid are the waste products of protein metabolism. They are formed in the liver and conveyed in blood to the kidneys call for excretion.

    Hormones:- These are substances synthesized by endocrine glands. Hormones pass directly from the endocrine cells into the blood which transports them to their target cells.

    Gases:- oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen are transported .O2 and CO2 are also transporter in combination with haemoglobin in blood cells. Nitrogen is present in plasma but it has no physiological function .

    Friday, March 19, 2021

    physiology Unit 5 blood

     Unit 5                                                       Part 1


    Circulatory System (blood formation, composition , blood group, blood coagulation )

    Circulatory and Lymphatic System

    The circulatory system- blood :- blood is a fluid connective  tissue. It circulates continually arround the body. It provides one of the means of communication between the cells of different parts of the body and external environment. Blood is composed of a clear,straw coloured , watery fluid called plasma in which different types of blood cells are suspended.

    Composition and formation of blood

    Physical properties of blood

    # Amount:   blood constitutes about 7to9% of total body weight.

    # Colour: Red colour due to presence of haemoglobin (red pigment) 

    # Viscosity:3.5to5.4 it is thicker, heavier and viscous than water.

    # Ph: It is slightly alkaline. It's ph between 7.35 to 7.45 

    # Temperature: temperature of blood is about 38° (100.4°F)

    Composition of blood

    Plasma normally constitutes about 55% cell, about 45% blood volume.

    Plasma:- The constitutes of plasma are water and dissolved substance including----

    # Plasma protein

    # In organic salt


    Waste materials


    # Gases


    Thursday, March 18, 2021

    Psychology unit 1

     Part 3

    Methods of psychology or methods of study of behaviour

    1. Introspection or self observation method

    2. The observation method or systematic observation.

    3. The experimental method or experimentation or laboratory

    4. The survey method or inventory method

    5. The test method

    6. The case history or clinical method

    7. The genetic or developmental method

    Introspection or self observation method

    It is an internal perception or self observation the individual himself observes his internal activities and processes whenever he likes to do.In this method, we get a direct knowledge oal. But thental diffective .

    The observation method or systematic observation method

    It consist of collection of data of by means of observing behaviour by somebody other than the person. The method is widely used in studying the behaviour of children and animals.

    The experimental method or experimentation or laboratory method

    Many experiments are conducted on people and animals dealing with mental activities, and this method is that experiments are objective and can be repeated and results confirmed. Limitations are that it can not always be used, specially if the experiments might be dangerous to the subjects are obtained in the artificial situation of the laboratory.

    The survey method or inventory method

    In this method, problems can not be directly observed. Survey are used together information about the various conditions. The results of a survey of a large number of a people have to be carefully analyzed before conclusions are made.

    The test method

    Ability, interest , attitude and intelligence are measured by this method by making use of carefully devised and standardized test. The test can be administered to a large number of personal at the same time saving a lot of time, and time , energy and dislocation of routine of work.

    The case history or clinical method

    It involves an- depth a analysis of an individual the method is also known as clinical as the method is continently used in hospitals . The data should be valid, science, complete and should be kept confidential.

    The genetic or developmental method

    Psychology study not only the behaviour of a particular time,but also the development from birth to death, the influence of heredity and environment in the development of the persons and conditions are favourable and unfavorable for normal development and abnormality.It studies the growth of behaviour.

    Wednesday, March 17, 2021

    Psychology unit 1st

    Part 2

    Evaluation of meaning of psychology          Study of soul

                     Study of mind

                                    Study of concious experience

                                                         Study of behaviour

      Behaviour include all human activities_ motor activities like walking and speaking, cognitive activities such as perceiving , remembering and reasoning and emotional activities like feeling happy,sad and angry , behaviour includes all our reactions and responses to the stimuli.

                 Definition of psychology

    Psychology is a science, which aim to give us better understanding to control of the behaviour of the organism as a whole.

                                 ( William MC Doughal 1949)

    Psychology is the investigation of human and animal behaviour and of the mental and psychological processes associated with the behaviour.

                      ( Jackson 1976 )

     Scope of psychology

    * It studies, describes and explain the behaviour of the living organisms.

    * It describe all types of life activities and experience.

    * It studies not only the  human behaviour, but also human experience, language and other form of communication .

    * It exploy  to all the living creatures created by the almighty irrespective of their species, caste ,age , sex , mental and physical state . Thus all the studies in the subject psychology.

    * It also studied the behaviour of the animal, insects, birds and plants life.

    No limit can be imposed upon the subject psychology and it has many branches, mainly it is divide into two parts :-

    # Pure psychology

    It deals with the formulation of psychological principles and  theories. e.g. social psychology, para -psychology  , etc.

    # Applied psychology

    It deals with the application of psychological rules , principles, theories and techniques with reference to the real practical life situations.

    eg. Clinical psychology, industrial psychology,etc

    Important of psychology in nursing

    The learning of psychology helps nurse in the following ways:-

    To understand her oneself.

    The knowledge of psychology will help the nurse to get an insight , this will help her own life more productively and relate more easily with others, enabling her to control situations and attain self discipline.

    To understand patients.

    Psychology will help the nurse to understand the problems and the needs of patients an attain to them. She can understand the personality characteristics of the patients to attain the quick relief and cure.

    To recognize abnormal behaviour.

    Psychology helps the nurses in recognizing mental illnesses at general hospitals and community health centres and provides appropriate.guidance to deal with stress, anxiety and other life problems.

    To understand other people.

    With her scientific knowledge of human nature, she will understand them better understanding of patients behaviour and problems,so she can support them in a better possible way.

    Help patients adjust to the situations.

    A nurse trained in psychology can be an affective health educator and help the patients to adjust various health conditions.

    Help the student nurse to appreciate the necessity for changing the environment and surroundings.

    Help for affective studying.

    Psychology unit 1st

    Part 1


    History and origin of science of psychology

    Psychology is a science,that separated from philosophy in 1879, Wilhelm Wundth established the first psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig. He is known as the father of the psychology. In 20th century, psychologist came to hold quite different views about the nature mind and the best way to study it. Schools  of thought formed around these psychologist, these schools of thoughts are known as the schools of psychology.

    William James and Wilhelm Wundth and other psychologist of the time thought of psychology. Psychology is the independent subject and a positive science. It is also a bio social science. It has an important relationship with biological and social science. The current definition of psychology, as the systematic study of human and animal behaviour. Behavioral science and considered as the observation and explaination of human behaviour either in single individuals or in groups. Psychology is a 'greek' word 'Psychi' and 'logos'. Psychi means soul and logos means the study of or knowledge or the study of soul.

    Wilhelm Maximilian Wundth:- father of psychology

    Sigmund Freud:- father of the modern psychology and psychoanalytic theory

    Narendra Nath Sen Gupta:- father of Indian 'psychology'

    Tuesday, March 16, 2021

    History of nursing

        Assignment on history of nursing 

    If you want pdf file then open it

    Sunday, March 14, 2021

    Introduction to anatomical terms


    Anatomy is a science deals with the structure of the body and relationship of various parts to each other.


    Physiology is a science that deals with normal functions of the body.It explains how various systems in the body function together normally as a single unit. 

    A knowledge of the structure is necessary to understand their function.

    ∆  The subject matter of anatomy include:-

    1. Cytology:-the study of cell

    2. Histology:-the study of tissue

    3. Osteology:- the study of bones 

    4. Myology:- the study of muscles

    5. Neurology:- study of nervous system

    6. Orthology:- the study of joints

    The subject matter physiology includes the study of various system like :-

    # Cardiovascular system

    # Central nervous system

    # Digestive system

    # Excretory system

    # Reproductive system

    # Respiratory system

    # Muscular system

    # Skeleton system

    # Lymphatic system

    # Endocrine system

    There are few important terms which are used to describe the human body.....

    Median:- the central plane which divides  the body into two parts i.e right and left.

    Medial line:- nearer to the median line.

    Lateral:- away from the medial line.

    Superior:- nearer to the head.

    Interior:- nearer to the foot.

    Anterior:-  nearer to the front surface of the body.

    Posterior:-  nearer to the back surface of the body.

    Proximal:- nearer to the origin of the structure.

    Distal:- away to the origin of the structure.

    Superficial:- nearer to the skin surface.

    Deep :-  deeper from the skin surface.

    Movements of Joints 

    Elevation:- raising or moving a body parts towards  

    cephalic end is termed as elevation.

    Depression:- Lowering or moving a body part caudaly is termed as depression.

    Protrusion:- It is the forward movement of a body part.

    Retraction:- It is the backward movement from the protrusion.

    Pronation:-  It is the medical rotation of forearm so that the palm comes to face backward.

    Supination:-It is the lateral rotation of forearm so that the palm comes to face anteriorly(forward).

    Inversion of foot:- It is the movement that causes the plantar surface of the foot to face inward and downward.

    Eversion of foot:- It is the movement that causes the plantar surface of the foot to face laterally and downward.

    Flexion:-A movement where similar surface come nearer to each other. This reduces the angle between two bones.

    Extension:- A movement where similar surfaces go apart. It is the opposite of flexion. Then angles between two bones is increase.

    Rotation :-  A movement around a central axis involving 360 ° angle.

    Abduction:- A movement of the bone away from the mid line.

    Addiction:-  A movement of the bone towards the mid line.

    Circumduction:-  This is the movement of a distal end of a body in a circle.

    Thursday, March 11, 2021

    Happy Shivaratri

     Happy Shivaratri too all .....

                                            Pooja Rauniyar

    Wednesday, March 10, 2021

    Criteria of profession

    Part 5

     Competencies and professional license

    Nurses must pass a national licensure examination to demonstrate that they are qualified to practice nursing. Only after passing the examination the nurses are allowed to practice. The granting of a nursing license is a legal activity conducted by the individual state under the regulation contained in the state's nursing act.

    Autonomy and independence of practice

    In reality nursing is both an independent and interdependent discipline . Nurses in all health care setting must work with physicians, hospital administrators, pharmacist and other groups in the provision of care . In some cases nurses in advanced practice role eg. Nurse practitioners can do establish their independent practices. To be considered a true profession, nursing will need to be recognised by other disciplines as having practitioners who practice nursing independently.

    Professional Identity and development

    Until nurses are fully committed to the procession of nursing, identify with it as a profession and are dedicated to its future development, nursing will probably not achieve professional status.

    Tuesday, March 9, 2021

    Criteria of profession


    Public service and altruistic activities

    Individual is the focal point of all nursing models and nursing practice. Nursing has been viewed universally as being an altruistic profession composed of selfless individuals who place the lives and we'll being of their clients above their personal safety. Dedicated nurses provide care for victims of deadly diseases with little regard for their own welfare.

    Well organized and strong representation

    Professional organization represent the members of the profession and control the quality of professional practice. In India TNAI and SNA are the two organization's that represent nursing in today's health care system. Many do belong to specially organization's that represent a specific area of practice.

    Code of ethics

    A code of ethics document may outline the mission and values of the business or organization,how professionals are supposed to approach problems, the ethical principles based on the organization's core values and the standards to which the professional is held. Some of the ethical principles are autonomy, justice,non-maleficence .

    Monday, March 8, 2021

    Criteria of profession


    High Intellectual level of functioning

    Modern nurses use assessment skill and knowledge,have the ability to reason make routine judgement depending on patient's condition. Professional nurses functions at a high Intellectual level. Florence nightingale raised the bar for education and graduates of her school were considered to be highly educated.

    High level of individual responsibility and accountability

    Nurses must be accountable and demonstrate a high level of individual responsibility for the care and services they provide. The concept of accountability has legal , ethical and professional implications that include accepting responsibility for action taken to provide client care as well as accepting responsibility for the consequences of action taken to provide client care as well as accepting responsibility for the consequences of action that are not performed.

    Specialized body of knowledge

    Nursing has developed into an identifiable separate discipline,a specialised body of knowledge called as nursing science. It was compiled through the research efforts of nurses with advanced educational degrees. Although this body of specialized knowledge is relatively small,it forms a theoretical basis for the practice of nursing today. As more nurses obtain advanced degrees. Although this body of specialized knowledge is relatively small, it forms a theoretical basis for the practice today. As more nurses obtain advanced degrees, conduct research and develop philosophies, and theories about nursing, this body of knowledge will increase in scope.

    Evidence based practice

    Almost  all the currently used nursing theories address this issue in some way. Evidence based practice is the practice of nursing in which interventions are based on data obtained from research that demonstrates that, the findings are appropriate and successful.It involves a systematic process of uncovering, evaluating and using information from research as the basis for making decisions about providing client care.

    Happy women's day


    Saturday, March 6, 2021

    Nursing as a profession


    Profession:-a type of occupation that meets certain criteria that raise it to a level above that of an occupation.

    Profession:-is a calling that requires special knowledge, skill and preparation.An occupation that requires advanced knowledge,and skills and that it grows out of society's needs for specific.

    Professional:- demonstration of high level of personal, ethical and high level of skill characteristics for a member of a profession.

    Difference between occupation and profession

    According to Webster:-

    Profession:-is defined as a vocation requiring advanced training and usually involving mental rather than manual work,as teaching, engineering, especially medicine,,law etc.

    Occupation:-is defined as what occupies or engages one's time , business and employment.

    Nursing as a profession



    Nursing as an art is the application of knowledge and skill to bring about desired results. It is an individual action. Nursing art is carried out by the nursing in an one-to-one relationship with the patient and constitutes the nurse's conscious response to a specific and patient and constitutes the nurse's conscious response to a specific and patient's immediate situation.

    The term 'Nurse's' evolve from the Latin word  nutrix, which means to nourish or to cherish. Today nursing emerged as a learned profession that is both a science and an art. It is a body of knowledge. Knowledge is an awareness or perception of reality, which is acquired through learning or investigation.

    Science is defined as a both a unified body of knowledge concerned with specific subject matter,the skills and methodology necessary to provide such knowledge.

    Happy Gandhi+shastri jayanti

      Today is the best day of year because on this day the god has send us the two honourable people in our country . Those two people's ar...