Part 2
Evaluation of meaning of psychology Study of soul
Study of mind
Study of concious experience
Study of behaviour
Behaviour include all human activities_ motor activities like walking and speaking, cognitive activities such as perceiving , remembering and reasoning and emotional activities like feeling happy,sad and angry , behaviour includes all our reactions and responses to the stimuli.
Definition of psychology
Psychology is a science, which aim to give us better understanding to control of the behaviour of the organism as a whole.
( William MC Doughal 1949)
Psychology is the investigation of human and animal behaviour and of the mental and psychological processes associated with the behaviour.
( Jackson 1976 )
Scope of psychology
* It studies, describes and explain the behaviour of the living organisms.
* It describe all types of life activities and experience.
* It studies not only the human behaviour, but also human experience, language and other form of communication .
* It exploy to all the living creatures created by the almighty irrespective of their species, caste ,age , sex , mental and physical state . Thus all the studies in the subject psychology.
* It also studied the behaviour of the animal, insects, birds and plants life.
No limit can be imposed upon the subject psychology and it has many branches, mainly it is divide into two parts :-
# Pure psychology
It deals with the formulation of psychological principles and theories. e.g. social psychology, para -psychology , etc.
# Applied psychology
It deals with the application of psychological rules , principles, theories and techniques with reference to the real practical life situations.
eg. Clinical psychology, industrial psychology,etc
Important of psychology in nursing
The learning of psychology helps nurse in the following ways:-
To understand her oneself.
The knowledge of psychology will help the nurse to get an insight , this will help her own life more productively and relate more easily with others, enabling her to control situations and attain self discipline.
To understand patients.
Psychology will help the nurse to understand the problems and the needs of patients an attain to them. She can understand the personality characteristics of the patients to attain the quick relief and cure.
To recognize abnormal behaviour.
Psychology helps the nurses in recognizing mental illnesses at general hospitals and community health centres and provides appropriate.guidance to deal with stress, anxiety and other life problems.
To understand other people.
With her scientific knowledge of human nature, she will understand them better understanding of patients behaviour and problems,so she can support them in a better possible way.
Help patients adjust to the situations.
A nurse trained in psychology can be an affective health educator and help the patients to adjust various health conditions.
Help the student nurse to appreciate the necessity for changing the environment and surroundings.
Help for affective studying.