Anatomy is a science deals with the structure of the body and relationship of various parts to each other.
Physiology is a science that deals with normal functions of the body.It explains how various systems in the body function together normally as a single unit.
∆A knowledge of the structure is necessary to understand their function.
∆ The subject matter of anatomy include:-
1. Cytology:-the study of cell
2. Histology:-the study of tissue
3. Osteology:- the study of bones
4. Myology:- the study of muscles
5. Neurology:- study of nervous system
6. Orthology:- the study of joints
The subject matter physiology includes the study of various system like :-
# Cardiovascular system
# Central nervous system
# Digestive system
# Excretory system
# Reproductive system
# Respiratory system
# Muscular system
# Skeleton system
# Lymphatic system
# Endocrine system
There are few important terms which are used to describe the human body.....
Median:- the central plane which divides the body into two parts i.e right and left.
Medial line:- nearer to the median line.
Lateral:- away from the medial line.
Superior:- nearer to the head.
Interior:- nearer to the foot.
Anterior:- nearer to the front surface of the body.
Posterior:- nearer to the back surface of the body.
Proximal:- nearer to the origin of the structure.
Distal:- away to the origin of the structure.
Superficial:- nearer to the skin surface.
Deep :- deeper from the skin surface.
Movements of Joints
Elevation:- raising or moving a body parts towards
cephalic end is termed as elevation.
Depression:- Lowering or moving a body part caudaly is termed as depression.
Protrusion:- It is the forward movement of a body part.
Retraction:- It is the backward movement from the protrusion.
Pronation:- It is the medical rotation of forearm so that the palm comes to face backward.
Supination:-It is the lateral rotation of forearm so that the palm comes to face anteriorly(forward).
Inversion of foot:- It is the movement that causes the plantar surface of the foot to face inward and downward.
Eversion of foot:- It is the movement that causes the plantar surface of the foot to face laterally and downward.
Flexion:-A movement where similar surface come nearer to each other. This reduces the angle between two bones.
Extension:- A movement where similar surfaces go apart. It is the opposite of flexion. Then angles between two bones is increase.
Rotation :- A movement around a central axis involving 360 ° angle.
Abduction:- A movement of the bone away from the mid line.
Addiction:- A movement of the bone towards the mid line.
Circumduction:- This is the movement of a distal end of a body in a circle.
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