Part 2
Basic of computer
Advantages of computer:-
* High speed
* Storage
* Accuracy
* Automation
* Reduction in paper work and cost
# High speed
* Computer is a very fast device
* The computer have unit of speed in micro second/ nanosecond
* It can perform million of calculation in few seconds
# Storage
* Computer has much more storage capacity than human beings
* It can store large amount of data
* It can store any kind of data such as video, audio, images,text,etc
* Memory is very important of computer
# Accuracy
* The calculation are 100% error free
* Computer perform all jobs with 100% accuracy provided
# Automation
Computer is automation machine
#Reduction in paper work and cost
* The use of computer for data processing in the organization leads to reduction in paper work and results in speeding up the process.
* As the data in electronic files can be retrieve as when required, the problem of maintenance of large number of papers file gets reduce.
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