Monday, August 2, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 9


It is regarded as the special ability of our mind to conserve or store what has been previously learned or experienced to recollect or reproduce it after sometime. Memory is  a complex process , which involves learning , retention , recall and recognition.


Memory consists in remembering what has previously been learned.
                           Woodworth and marquis

The power that we have to store on experiences, and to bring them into the field of consciousness something after experiences have occurred, is termed  memory.

                                      Rayburn 1956

Types of memory………

1. Immediate memory or  sensory

2. Short - term memory

3. Long - term memory

Immediate or sensory memory

It is that memory , which helps an individual to recall something in a split second after having perceived it. Immediate memory is needed , when we want to remember things for a short time then forget it , which help us to learn a thing immediately with speed and accuracy.

Short term memory

It holds a relatively small amount of information, about seven items , for a short period time 20 to 30 second time though not nearly as short-lived as immediately memory.

Long term memory

It has the unlimited capacity to store information , about  store information for days , months , years and even a lifetime.

Nature of memory

Following are the fundamental characteristics of memory process……

1. Memory involves input - registering the information.

2. Storage - it is either temporary or permanent.

3. Output - it involves retrieval.

Other factors involved in memory process are…

* Learning or registration

* Retention

* Recall 

* Recognition

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