Friday, August 27, 2021

Psychology unit 3

Part 11

Causes of forgetting

1. Inadequate impression at the time of learning.
E.g. improper learning forced learning, etc..

2. Lapse of time

3. Rise of emotion

4. Poor health and defective mental state

5. Inadequate practice of learning

6. Interference of association

Theories of learning

- Trace decay theory
- Interference theory
- Repression theory

Trace decay theory

* According to many psychologists , time is the cause of much forgetting , what is learnt or experienced is forgotten with the lapse of time. This process is explained through a process known as decay of the  memory trace.

* It say that , learning results in neurological changes leaving traces will get  weaker and finally fade away .

* With the passage of the time through disuse, these memory trace will get weaker and finally fade away.

* The conclusion of this is that the older an experience the weaker its memory and as time passes , the amount of the forgetting increase.

Interference theory

* Forgetting is a result of some memories interfering with others.

* Proactive interference.

* Old memories interfere with ability to remember new memories.

* Retroactive interference.

* New memories interfere with ability to remember old memories.

Repression theory

* This theory was put forward by Freud's  psychoanalytical school of psychology

* According to this theory school is a mental function that safeguards the mind from the impact of painful experience.

* As a result of this function , we actually push the unpleasant and painful memories into the unconscious  memory and this leads to forgetting things.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Endocrine system

 Part 1

 Endocrine System

The endocrine system maintain the stability of internal environment. The endocrine system consists of glands . Glands are the group of epithelial cells. They produce specialised secretion.  Gland are two types:----

1. Exocrine glands

They discharge their secretion  on to the epithelial surface of an organ ,  either directly or through a duct and are called if the exocrine gland.

They vary in shape,size and complexity.

Endocrine gland

Endocrine gland are type of gland which secret hormone into the blood and lymph . Endocrine gland is a ductless  gland.


It is a chemical substance , i.e. secreted into the body fluids by one cell or a group of cell. It regulate the body's activity. It is also called as chemical Messengers.

Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus

* The pituitary gland and Hypothalamus work together.

* The pituitary gland also called hypophysis.

* Their secretion control the function of other gland.

* It is also called master endocrine gland.

* It about 1.2 to 1.5 cm in length it's weight is about 0.5gram.

* The gland has  a stem like stalk called the infundibulum, which connects it to the hypothalamus of the brain. 

* It secretes a different hormones.

* The pituitary look like one gland, but is consist of 2 glands. That are as follows .....

A) Anterior pituitary gland     7 hormones

B) Posterior pituitary gland     2 hormones

Anterior pituitary gland is also known as adenohypophysis.

Growth Hormones (gh)

It is also known as Somatotrophin hormones.

It is synthesis by anterior pituitary gland.

It helps in the growth of muscles and other tissues.

The hypothalamus secretes the growth hormone releasing inhibition hormone(GHRIH ).

2. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

This hormone synthesized by the anterior pituitary gland.

It is also called thyrotropin
It helped in the growth and development of target glands.

Thyroid stimulating hormone secrete 2 harmons..
Triiodothyronine ( T3 ) and thyroxin (T4) 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 10 

Theories of Memory…

Theories of memory provide abstract representations of how memory is believed to work.

1. Theories of general memory functions
2. Information processing theory
3. Levels of processing theory

1. Theories of general memory functions

Theory of general memory function focuses on three distinct processes of memory these are……

1. Encoding
2. Storage
3.  Retrieval

1. Encoding is the process of receiving sensory input and transforming it into code which can be stored.

2. Studied is the process of putting coded information into memory.

3. The travel is the process of gaining access to stored coded information when it is needed.

2. Information processing theory

This theory was developed by Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin ( 1968 )
according to this theory memory start with memory input from the environment.

This input is held for a very brief time.

Information that is attend into and recognise may be passed on to the short-term memory where it is held for 20 to 30 seconds.

When the short term memory is rehearsed then it pass along Long term memory.

The information which is placed in long term memory , will be organised in categories,  where may  resides for days, months, years or for a lifetime. When we remember something , a representation of the item is retrieved from long term memory.

3. Levels of processing theory

According to this theory , incoming information can be worked on at different levels of analysis, the deeper analysis goes the better the memory.

Perception :- it gives us an immediate awareness of the environment.

Structure :- features of input (what it looks like, or sounds like) are analysed.

Meaning :- meaning of the input is analysed.

* Analysis to the  deep level of meaning gives the best memory.

* Routine happenings of daily life are not process deeply.

Method of memorizing……

Success in the process of learning depends on the methods of learning adopted by the learner. They are ………

1) whole and part method

2)  Spaced and unspaced method

3) Repetition and practice

4) Grouping and rhythm

5) Making use of the principle of association

6) Recitation

7) Utilizing as many senses as possible

8) Pulling at all together

9) Funnel approaching

10) Acronym

11) Acrostic

12) Mnemonics 



Forgetting is the lost permanent or temporary of the ability to recall or recognise something learnt earlier.
                       Mann - 1967

Forgetting means failure at any time to recall an experience , when attempting to do so or to perform an action  previously learned.

                               Drever - 1952

Types of forgetting…

1)  Natural forgetting

2) Morbid forgetting (abnormal) 

1) Natural forgetting

It occurs with the lapse of time in a quite normal way without any intention of forgetting on the part of the individual.

2) Morbid forgetting (abnormal) 

Person deliberately tries to forget something is called morbid forgetting (repression).

Monday, August 2, 2021

Psychology unit 3

 Part 9


It is regarded as the special ability of our mind to conserve or store what has been previously learned or experienced to recollect or reproduce it after sometime. Memory is  a complex process , which involves learning , retention , recall and recognition.


Memory consists in remembering what has previously been learned.
                           Woodworth and marquis

The power that we have to store on experiences, and to bring them into the field of consciousness something after experiences have occurred, is termed  memory.

                                      Rayburn 1956

Types of memory………

1. Immediate memory or  sensory

2. Short - term memory

3. Long - term memory

Immediate or sensory memory

It is that memory , which helps an individual to recall something in a split second after having perceived it. Immediate memory is needed , when we want to remember things for a short time then forget it , which help us to learn a thing immediately with speed and accuracy.

Short term memory

It holds a relatively small amount of information, about seven items , for a short period time 20 to 30 second time though not nearly as short-lived as immediately memory.

Long term memory

It has the unlimited capacity to store information , about  store information for days , months , years and even a lifetime.

Nature of memory

Following are the fundamental characteristics of memory process……

1. Memory involves input - registering the information.

2. Storage - it is either temporary or permanent.

3. Output - it involves retrieval.

Other factors involved in memory process are…

* Learning or registration

* Retention

* Recall 

* Recognition

Happy Gandhi+shastri jayanti

  Today is the best day of year because on this day the god has send us the two honourable people in our country . Those two people's ar...