Saturday, July 24, 2021


 Part 1

                               Unit 1

Introduction to Nutrition

Food is the basic necessity of life. Life cannot be sustained without adequate nourishment. We need food for growth and development. Healthy food choices are vital to preventing illness. Particularly chronic illness such as diabetes and heart diseases. Proper  nutrition is not only important for preventing disease , it is also crucial to the recovery process of any disease.


Nutrition is the process by which food is used by the body to produce energy and heat , maintain body function and the structure and promote growth.

Process of Nutrition

1. The process of Nutrition begins with the eating food.

2. The food swallowed is then digested as it is passed through the stomach and small intestine.

3. During digestion the food is broken up into the simple substances.

4. These are absorbed into blood stream and carried out to the liver.

5. Where they are either stored or changed further or sent out to other part of the body for use as required.

Function of food

* Food supplies heat and energy for work and play

* It supplies material for growth and repair of body.

* It supplies material for regulation or control of the body process and for protection of body.

Elements of Nutrition

Food contains organic and inorganic complex is known as element of nutrients. These are also called nutrient for food factors. There  are 50 different elements or nutrients including water which are normally supplied by the food we eat. Each element has a specific function in the body. Most natural food contains more than one nutrient element. They are needed to build and maintain body cells , regulate body process and supply energy.

These elements are classified into two groups____

Macronutrients :- these are protein , fats and carbohydrates.

Micronutrients :- these group includes vitamins and minerals.


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