Friday, May 7, 2021

Health unit 1

 Part 5



Immunization is the most affective way of protecting the human body from infections disease.


Immunization is the process of artificially inducing immunity or providing protection from disease.


Immunization is define as a process by  which a person can be protected from disease by  giving immune biological substance which produce specific substance which produce specific protection against given disease, before it's occurance.


The most important aspect in child care is to protect children against specific preventable disease like polio, pertusis, hepatitis B and tetanus.

Types of immunization

1. Live Vaccine

Prepared from live / weakened pathogens.

E.g.  BCG , Influenza, Yellow fever

2. Killed Vaccine

Prepared by killing the pathogens by heat or UV rays.

E.g. rabies

Site , complication, contra indication and after care 


It stand for bacillus calmate gurerin , given for protection from TB (tuberculosis)


Middle of deltoid muscles over left arm.

After care

Follow BCG vaccination a papulle appeare in 2-3 weeks.

In 4-5 weaks papulle grows in size and then subside or break into shallow ulcer.

Ulcer heals in 8-12 weaks living a small scar.


Deep ulceration

Keloid formation ( scar tissue forms to protect the injury)

# Polio Vaccination

OPV is a cheaper easy to administered protects from poliomyelitis.

After care

After vaccination breast feeding can be given if child is Hungary,but hot drinks should be with held half an hours.

If child vomits give drop away.

# DPT Vaccination

It is combine Vaccine administered for the protection from three disease i.e., diphtheria, pertusis, tetanus.


For children below one year the site should be lateral aspect of thigh (vastus laterails muscles), in older children. It may be given in upper and outer quadrants of geuteal muscles.

After care

Do not apply anything of infection site.

Croans syrup can be given in case of fever.

# Measles Vaccination

It protects the child from the measles.


Given deltoid muscles of right arm .

After care

After vaccination, reaction may developed such as fever,rashes. Do not apply anything on site.

Hazards of immunization




Reaction due to faulty techniques

Improve route

Site or dose

Faulty preparation

Reaction due to Hypersensitivity

Anaphylactic shock

Serum sickness


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