Saturday, October 2, 2021

Happy Gandhi+shastri jayanti

 Today is the best day of year because on this day the god has send us the two honourable people in our country . Those two people's are Mohan Das karam Chandra Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri .. Everyone knows that 2nd October is the day which is celebrated as Ghandhi jayanti and Lal Bahadur Shastri jayanti. On this day we honour them .


Friday, October 1, 2021

Skeleton System

 Part 2

Functions of the bones

* Support and shape

Bone provide a framework of the body.

It gives support and shape of the body.

It also gives attachment to muscles and tendons.

* Protection

The bones protect  inner soft and delicated organs , forming the boundaries of the cranial, thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities protecting the organs they contains by external shocks.

* Movement

It provide moment of the whole body and parts of the body by forming joints.

Bones of the body provide attachment to the muscles , these muscles provide motor power for providing movement of the body parts.

* Mineral storage

Bones serve as a reservoir for calcium and phosphate , essential minerals for various cellular activities.

* Blood cell production

The production of blood cell or hematopoiesis, occur in the  red marrow found within the cavity of the certain bone.

* Energy storage

Lipids such as fats , stored in adipose cell of the yellow bone marrow serve as energy reservoir.

General structure of long bone:--

Long bone

These have a diaphysis (shaft)and two epiphysis (extreme).

The diaphysis is composed of compact bone with the central medullary canal , containing fatty yellow bone marrow.

The epiphysis consists of an outer covering of compact bone with spongy (cancellous)bone inside containing red bone marrow.

Red bone marrow are responsible for production of blood cell or  hemopoiesis (RBC ,WBC, platelets).

The metaphysis is the part of bone between the epiphysis and the diaphysis.

It contain the connecting cartilage called epiphysial plates. It is the most actively growing area of long bone.

When  bone  oxicified the epiphysial plate (metaphysis) disappear at adulthood (18 - 20 years of age) as it convert into epiphysial line.

Long bone are covered by vascular membrane called periostium which has two layers.

The outer layer of fibrous rich in blood vessels and the inner layer contains osteoblast , which are involved in bones growth in thickness.

Maintenance and remodeling of bones and it is give attachments  to muscles and tendons and it protect bone from injury.

The periosteum covers the whole bone except for site of articulation ends.

Microscopic structure of bone

Bone are made up of cells and intracellular matrix.

The cellular component is 2% of bone mass

Matrix is made up of 40% of organic substance containing mainly of collagen fibres.

Collagen very strong and gives bone slightly flexibility.

60% of inorganic substance made up of  inorganic salts of calcium and phosphorus . This inorganic matrix gives bone great hardness.

Bones composition

Cellular Components

It consists of following cells........

1. Osteoblast

Osteoblast  is responsible for making new bone and repairing older bone.

It produce protein mixture "osteoid"  which is mineralized and becomes bone.

Osteoid is a type of protein mixture which is formed by collagens.

They are present in the dipper layers of periostium.

In the centres of ossification of immature bone.

At the site of fracture.

2. Osteocyte Cell

As bone develop osteoblast become  trapped within the newly formed bone.

They stop forming new bone and this stage are called osteocytes.

These are the mature bone cells that monitor and maintain bone tissues and are nourished by tissue fluid in the canaliculi,  it present in bone matrix.

3. Osteoclast

Osteoclast are multinucleated cell.

Osteoclast help in the reabsorption during remodelling of bones to maintain the optimum shape.

It is type of gold sale that breaks down bone tissue and releasing calcium and phosphate this process also help to regulate the level of blood calcium.

It present under periosteum and sight of old injured or unneeded bones.


Matrix is the extracellular component of bone which is made up of organic and inorganic components.

Organic component

This is  mostly made up of collagen fibres which are arranged in bundles . They have lamellar arrangement , which is in the form of a regular, parallel , lamilae.

Inorganic Components

The mineral components of bones gives it hardness and rigidity . It consists of calcium and phosphate they are closely packed and arranged along the collagen fibre.

Microscopic structure of compact bone

It is made up of many cube like structures called osteons . ( Habersion system)  

In between osteon a central canal is present .

The central canals contains blood vessels , nerve and lymphatic vessels are present.

 Central canal are connected neighbouring canal by perforated canals. 

If cut a series of osteon are seen  parallel series called lamellae.

 In lamellae present in small small pocket or cavities called  lacuna (containing osteocyte Cell).

Osteocyte cell maintain bone tissue.

Each lacuna are connected by canaliculus (canaliculi).

 Canaliculus are contain in interstitial fluid flow in canaliculus. This fluid provide nourishment to osteocyte cells.

Microscopic structure of spongy bone (cancellous bone)

Cancellous bone and less dense and present with large cavities in between plats of bones giving them a honeycomb appearance bone.

Cancellous bone is made up of  mashwork of bony plates or rods called "trabeculae" .

It does not contains osteons.

Each trabeculae is  made up of number of lamellae between which there are containing osteocytes.

Lacunae are interconnected by canaliculi.

The Trabeculae enclose wide spaces that are filled in by Red Bone Marrow.

They receive nutrition from blood vessels in bone marrow.

The trabecular are covered externally by vascular endosteum.

Endosteum is the lining membrane of the bone marrow cavity.


Sunday, September 19, 2021

काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते |

 काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते

 काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते |
  काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते |
  काश हम फिर वही पहले जैसे हो जाते,
  काश ओ होंठों कि हंसी फिर लौट आती |
   काश उन दोस्तो के साथ मस्ती फिर हो जाती ,
    काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते |
    काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते |

                   खुद को यूं हर चीज से रोके बैठे हैं |
                    काश ये रोकने की नौबत ही नहीं आती |
                    काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते |
                     काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते |
          काश यूं कोई बोल न जाता
           काश कोई अपना समझते |
           काश ओ हंसी ढिढोली फिर हो जाती ,
            काश ओ बचपन की खेल फिर आ जाते हैं |
             काश ओ बचपन के दोस्त फिर आ जाते हैं |
               काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते |
                 काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते |

 काश हमारी प्यार भरी सरारते फिर आ जाते,
 काश हमारी हरकते किसी को नौटंकी न लगता,
 काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते|
काश ओ दिन फिर आ जाते|

                          By : Pooja Rauniyar



Saturday, September 18, 2021

Some creations



Friday, September 10, 2021

Some terminology

 Some Terminology Related to B.P.P.N

1. Dyspepsia
Indigestion , feeling of fullness, discomfort, nausea and anorexia.

2. Dysphagia
Difficulty in swallowing / painful in swallowing.

3. Nausea
Sensation to vomit.

4. Nutrients
Constituents of food. e.g,  carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals vitamins and water.

5. Regurgitation
It refers to back flow.
e.g, backflow of parcely digested food into the mouth from the stomach.

6. Vomiting
Expulsion of stomach contain through oesophagus and mouth.

7. Anorexia
Lack of appetite.

8. Anosmia
Loss of sense of smell.

9. Appetite
Psychological stimulus to eat that may be connected with and triggered by emotion stimuli.

10. Asphyxia
Lack of oxygen in the tissue.

11. Body Mass Index
A figure derived from a person height and weight that indicate whether that weight is acceptable.

12. Bulimia Nervosa
It is an eating disorder in which excessively eating is followed by depression and guilt , self induced vomiting and burging .
13. Malabsorption
Inadequate or disorder absorption of nutrients from the intestinal canal.

14. Halitosis
Bad breath smell

15. Turgor 
Resistance of skin to  deformation when pinch.

16. Anorexia Nervosa

Psychiatric disorder characterized by intense fear of becoming overweight even when emaciated.

17. Bradycardia

Heart rate less than 60 beats per minute in  adult.

18. Tachycardia

Heart rate more than 100 beats per minute in adult.

19. Eupnea 
It refers to easy respiration with normal breath rate per minute that is age specific.

20.  Bradypnea
Respiratory rate become 10 or fewer breath per minute.

21. Tachypnea
Respiratory rate greater than 24 breath per minute.

22. Hypoventilation

Refers to shallow respiration.

23. Hyperventilation

Refers to deep and rapid respiration.

24.  Cheyne stock respiration
 Respiratory rhythm is irregular , characterized by alternating period of Apnea and hyperventilation.

25. Kussmaul respiration

Respiration are abnormal deep but regular, similar to hyperventilation.

26. Orthopnea
Respiratory condition in which a person must sit or stand in order to breathe deeply or comfortably.

27. Platypnea
Opposite of orthopnea.
Difficult respiration on upright position , a person can laying down and breath comfortably.


Sunday, September 5, 2021

Happy teacher's day

Happy teacher's day to all....

Teacher day is celebrated on 5 September , the birth anniversary of our second President Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. The day 5 September we celebrate as a TEACHERS DAY to show our gratitude respect for our teachers . Teacher are the candle of every student life.

 I don't think that there is any words to define our teachers ....

गीली मिट्टी को जिस तरह कुम्हार सुंदर घड़े का आकार देता है, ठीक वैसे ही बच्चे को अच्छा इंसान बनाता है शिक्षक।
 मां-बाप के अलावा बच्चा सबसे अधिक समय अपने शिक्षकों के साथ ही गुजारता है। 
यही वजह है कि शिक्षक बच्चों के व्यक्तित्व पर गहरा प्रभाव छोड़ते हैं।
 शिक्षक ना सिर्फ हमें शिक्षा देते हैं बल्कि अच्छी-अच्छी चीजें भी सिखाते हैं।
 जीवन जीने को लेकर भी कई अच्छी बातें छात्रों से साझा करते हैं।
गुमनामी के अंधेरे में था
पहचान बना दिया
दुनिया के गम से मुझे
अनजान बना दिया
उनकी ऐसी कृपा हुई
गुरु ने मुझे एक अच्छा
इंसान बना दिया।





Friday, August 27, 2021

Psychology unit 3

Part 11

Causes of forgetting

1. Inadequate impression at the time of learning.
E.g. improper learning forced learning, etc..

2. Lapse of time

3. Rise of emotion

4. Poor health and defective mental state

5. Inadequate practice of learning

6. Interference of association

Theories of learning

- Trace decay theory
- Interference theory
- Repression theory

Trace decay theory

* According to many psychologists , time is the cause of much forgetting , what is learnt or experienced is forgotten with the lapse of time. This process is explained through a process known as decay of the  memory trace.

* It say that , learning results in neurological changes leaving traces will get  weaker and finally fade away .

* With the passage of the time through disuse, these memory trace will get weaker and finally fade away.

* The conclusion of this is that the older an experience the weaker its memory and as time passes , the amount of the forgetting increase.

Interference theory

* Forgetting is a result of some memories interfering with others.

* Proactive interference.

* Old memories interfere with ability to remember new memories.

* Retroactive interference.

* New memories interfere with ability to remember old memories.

Repression theory

* This theory was put forward by Freud's  psychoanalytical school of psychology

* According to this theory school is a mental function that safeguards the mind from the impact of painful experience.

* As a result of this function , we actually push the unpleasant and painful memories into the unconscious  memory and this leads to forgetting things.

Happy Gandhi+shastri jayanti

  Today is the best day of year because on this day the god has send us the two honourable people in our country . Those two people's ar...